UN slams UK over its child rights failures.
#humanrights #childrensrights #un #uk #ChildRefugees #military #MilitaryRecruiment #childsoldiers #ChildMilitaryRecruitment #ForcesWatch #childmigrants #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #classism #welfare #childwelfare
"Shocking video shows Russian kids going through military training in Crimea"
#Biden #EU #Pentagon #Military #War #Ukraine #NATO #Putin #Russia #Weapons #Crimea #ChildSoldiers #WarCrime
#warcrime #childsoldiers #crimea #weapons #Russia #Putin #NATO #Ukraine #War #military #pentagon #EU #Biden
Today we share some great research by #WomenInPhilosophy at the University of Birmingham, starting with PhD student Jessica Sutherland who tells us in 90 seconds about #ChildSoldiers and #MoralResponsibility https://youtu.be/4ejJjHEmcC0 #IWD2023 #UoBWomen @philosophy @ethics
#uobwomen #iwd2023 #moralResponsibility #childsoldiers #womeninphilosophy
“What happens to #ChildSoldiers once the fighting is over? How do they re-integrate into society…Warring parties have used them not only as fighters, but also…other jobs. Some, especially girls, have also been subjected to gender-based violence. Yet, for the most part, they are… met…with suspicion. And because they are not seen as ‘survivors’, there are few places they can turn to for help.” | Benedetta Wasonga, openDemocracy https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/beyond-trafficking-and-slavery/why-arent-child-soldiers-treated-as-human-trafficking-survivors/ @openDemocracy
Why aren't #childsoldiers treated as #humantrafficking 'survivors'?
#childsoldiers #humantrafficking
Why aren't child soldiers treated as human trafficking 'survivors'?
Child soldiers are often shunned when they return from war. This is no way to treat 'survivors'.
#children #humantrafficking #childsoldiers #HumanRights
Youth with Never Again International - Canada in Rwanda are using soccer to create a dialogue about genocide prevention and eradicating the use of child soldiers as weapons of war. You can contribute to creating a sustainable peace for children to make the concept of “never again” a reality.
www.neveragaininternationalcanada.org/donate #childsoldiers
Would you step up and create a tangible impact by empowering young peace builders in Rwanda and the Congo to advocate for human rights? Your donation will help protect the rights of children and help to build sustainable peace. #childsoldiers https://neveragaininternationalcanada.org/donate
Youth with Never Again International - Canada in Rwanda and the DRC are uniting for #RedHandDay to to raise their voices to protest against child recruitment and eradicate the use of child soldiers in armed groups. #childsoldiers #acttoprotect #RaiseYourRed
#redhandday #childsoldiers #acttoprotect #raiseyourred
Never Again International - Canada is engaging the most vulnerable who have been profoundly scarred by conflict and delivers programs to promote the demobilization of #childsoldiers
#childsoldiers Anybody who would like to do something concrete in response to the recruiting of child soldiers, ping us
A former child soldier in Sierra Leone drew this picture to illustrate building peace through sport. This football game represents their desire to live as children in peace and to not have to relive the horrors they witnessed. #MoreThanAGame #childsoldiers #SportsforPeace
#morethanagame #childsoldiers #sportsforpeace
December 2 is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery | United Nations 🌐 "The focus of this day is on eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, such as trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict." #exploitation #women #womensrights #gender #childslavery #childsoldiers #childlabor #slavery #forcedlabor #captivity #forcedmarriage #calltoaction
#exploitation #women #womensrights #gender #childslavery #childsoldiers #childlabor #slavery #forcedlabor #captivity #forcedmarriage #calltoaction
I went back to #SierraLeone to see what became of the children forced to take part in the country’s civil war #childsoldiers. Piece in the UK Sunday Times today, photos by @caroirby (Insta).
Never Again International - Canada is engaging the most vulnerable who have been profoundly scarred by conflict and delivers programs to promote the demobilization of #childsoldiers. #childrights
Never Again International - Canada is engaging the most vulnerable who have been profoundly scarred by conflict and delivers programs to promote the demobilization of #childsoldiers. #childrights
I made this.
Get a print at: https://society6.com/art/child7694462?curator=davidaugust
#art #embattled #unsafe #endangered #hurt #alone #isolated #shellshocked #ptsd #battlefatigue #csr #combatstressreaction #war #fogofwar #fight #warrior #soldier #soldiersheart #combatfatigue #warneurosis #childsoldier #childsoldiers
#childsoldiers #childsoldier #warneurosis #combatfatigue #SoldiersHeart #soldier #warrior #fight #FogofWar #war #combatstressreaction #csr #battlefatigue #ptsd #shellshocked #isolated #alone #hurt #endangered #unsafe #embattled #art
I should add that all three were from Toronto, Canada. I can only imagine that my great grandmother would have been beside herself to let him go #childsoldiers
#PublicRelations #Branding #Bernays #TorchesOfFreedom #Propaganda #ChildSoldiers #ExploitedKids #Liars
RT @davidhogg111
My grandpa was part of the Antifa forces in WWII sad Donald Trump has labeled him and his fellow vets as terrorists.
#publicrelations #branding #bernays #TorchesOfFreedom #propaganda #childsoldiers #ExploitedKids #liars