So when you hear about children going hungry in the UK, the pouring of sewage into rivers and beaches, school, hospital and other public buildings collapsing due to lack of government spending, a collapsing NHS...
Remember the milestone of the US fomented coup in #Chile50, the #ChicagoBoys, Thatcher's admiration of Pinochet and Blair's admiration of Thatcher.
And then imagine if #Allende's #PopularUnity government had prevailed and we'd had the alternative model of how to run an economy.
#popularunity #allende #chicagoboys #chile50
Der bayerische Ministerpräsident, Franz Josef Strauß (#CSU), im #Bayernkurier (22.9.1973): „Angesichts des Chaos, das in #Chile geherrscht hat, erhält das Wort Ordnung für die Chilenen plötzlich wieder einen süßen Klang.“ #Chile50
#csu #bayernkurier #Chile #chile50
#CHILE50 Mit dem Putsch gegen Allende 1973 endete auch das Experiment #Cybersyn, das Systemtheorie zu »science in the service of man«, zu emanzipativer Ökonomie machen sollte. Anna-Verena Nosthoff und @fmaschewski reflektieren die Kybernetisierung des Politischen:
Arte documentary (French & German) about #Chile since the CIA-backed coup d'état against Allende's democratically-elected government, Pinochet's subsequent military dictatorship, and the developments since then
That Chile's political right is absent from today's commemoration event at La Moneda says a lot about the lingering devisions in the country…
50 years. 11th of september 1973. The day that changed the trajectory of my life forever. The day that broke my country, my father and my family. #NuncaMas #NeverAgain #Chile50 #chile50años
#chile50anos #chile50 #neveragain #nuncamas
The iconic ops room of #ProjectCybersyn has been reconstructed for the exhibition »Cómo diseñar una revolución: La vía chilena al diseño« (How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Way to Design) which just opened at the Centro Cultural La Moneda - a cultural center just next to the building, where Salvador Allende died 50 years ago today:
Some impressions from the opening:
More background (Spanish):
#designhistory #chile50 #projectcybersyn
The iconic ops room of #ProjectCybersyn has been reconstructed for the exhibition »Cómo diseñar una revolución: La vía chilena al diseño« (How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Way to Design) which just opened at the Centro Cultural La Moneda - a cultural center just next to the building, where Salvador Allende died 50 years ago today:
Some impressions from the opening:
#designhistory #chile50 #projectcybersyn
The iconic ops room of #ProjectCybersyn has been reconstructed for the exhibition »Cómo diseñar una revolución: La vía chilena al diseño« (How to Design a Revolution: The Chilean Way to Design) which just opened at the Centro Cultural La Moneda - a cultural center just next to the building, where Salvador Allende died 50 years ago today:
Some impressions from the opening:
#designhistory #chile50 #projectcybersyn
Auch Hayek zog den liberalen Diktator Pinochet seinem demokratischen, aber gemäßigt antikapitalistischen Vorgänger Salvador Allende vor. Liberale Tradition 🤝 Faschismus: #Chile50
Auch Hayek zog den liberalen Diktator Pinochet seinem demokratischen, aber gemäßigt antikapitalistischen Vorgänger Salvador Allende vor. Liberale Tradition 🤝 Faschismus: #Chile50
The parliament building was bombed by the Chilean air force. Allende and his comrades fought hopelessly til the end. The coup was planned by Washington, with the criminal Henry Kissinger in a lead role, together with US business interests and the Chilean right. It unleashed the first experiment in neoliberalism under the guidance of the "Chicago boys". We are still all living with the consequences.
It's the 50th anniversary of the coup against the Popular Unity government of Chile, led by Salvador Allende - presente!
Here is one of a number of articles on the anniversary. The empire is at best only napping and continues to intervene against the peoples of the region.
Fifty years after Chile’s coup, the region still not safe from US meddling | Opinions | Al Jazeera
#imperialism #chile50 #Pinochet #allende #Chile
The Ballad Of The Fallen #Chile50 #Chile
Salvador Allende, últimas palabras hace 50 años 🇨🇱 #50AnosdelGolpedeEstado #AllendeVive #CHILE50 #FascismoNuncaMás #NiOlvidoNiPerdón
#50anosdelgolpedeestado #allendevive #chile50 #fascismonuncamas #niolvidoniperdon
Chile: a 50 años del golpe, desmontando la verdad histórica 🇨🇱 #50AnosdelGolpedeEstado #AllendeVive #CHILE50 #FascismoNuncaMás #NiOlvidoNiPerdón
#50anosdelgolpedeestado #allendevive #chile50 #fascismonuncamas #niolvidoniperdon
On 11th September 1973, the #Chilean army initiated a coup d’état by murdering Chile’s President, Salvador Allende, who had been democratically elected three years prior. From 11th September to 4th October, exhibitions, talks, and film screenings will be held at several locations in #Coventry to remember the execution and disappearance of over 3,000 people, amongst them 6 British-Chilean citizens, which followed the coup.
#chile1973 #chile50 #chilecoup
#chilean #coventry #chile1973 #chile50 #chilecoup