I have been working on my #Submission spreadsheet today.
Needed to add a lot of columns to help me find what I am looking for easier.
Trying to add wait times. If I can find them.
I am amazed at the number of places that want the short story in the body of the email instead of as an attachment. I understand virus concerns.
I also made a column for font other than micro TNR. Yeah for Arial!
So thankful for #ChillSubs. Makes finding some requirements easier, rather than buried on the page.
I have been working on paperwork to determine the next #ShortStory #Writing goals.
In my #Scrivener collections I have sheets for Always Open markets, and those that accept reprints.
It's not that I want to sell each story multiple times. Each one from Concurrent Earths will have at least one opportunity to audition for a paid home as a reprint.
I have also been adding new cards from #ChillSubs and #TheSubMissionGrinder
1 of 2.
#thesubmissiongrinder #chillsubs #scrivener #writing #shortstory
While I like the Submission Grinder, I really like #ChillSubs!
So much fun.
I like Rejection Bingo.
Also, all the popups are fun to read.
"Cue the dancers!"
"We Knew You Could Do it!"
And they listen to recommendations from users.
And will have a submission engine to rival Submittable and Moksha soon!
Oh, and they have their own discussion boards.
And full searchable profiles for authors.