Buenos días 🤘
#chimaira #heavymetal #thrashmetal
"34 canciones para recordar lo bueno que fue el 2003 para el #HeavyMetal"
#ArchEnemy - We Will Rise
#AvengedSevenfold - Chapter Four
#BetweenTheBuriedAndMe - Mordecai
#TheBlackDahliaMurder - Funeral Thirst
#ChildrenOfBodom - Needled 24/7
#Chimaira - Pure Hatred
#CradleOfFilth - The Promise of Fever
#DimmuBorgir - Progenies of the Great Apocalypse
#DreamTheater - As I Am
#Enslaved - Havenless
#EveryTimeIDie - Floater
#Gojira - The Link
#Hatebreed - Live For This
#HorseTheBand - Cutsman
#IronMaiden - Rainmaker
#IonDissonance - The Bud Dwyer Effect
#Katatonia - Evidence
#KingDiamond - The Puppet Master
#Korn - Right Now
#LambOfGod - 11th Hour
#LinkinPark - Numb
#MachineHead - Imperium
#MorbidAngel - Enshrined by Grace
#Mushroomhead - Sun Doesn't Rise
#Nevermore - I Voyager
#TheNumberTwelveLooksLikeYou - Jesus and Tori
#OldMansChild - Black Seeds on Virgin Soil
#Opeth - Windowpane
#Soilwork - Distortion Sleep
#Sevendust - Enemy
#StaticX - The Only
#StrappingYoungLad - Aftermath
#Trivium - Ember to Inferno
#TypeONegative - I Don't Wanna Be Me
#Metal #DeathMetal #BlackMetal #ThrashMetal #NuMetal #ProgressiveMetal #MetalProgresivo
#heavymetal #archenemy #avengedsevenfold #betweentheburiedandme #theblackdahliamurder #childrenofbodom #chimaira #cradleoffilth #dimmuborgir #dreamtheater #enslaved #everytimeidie #Gojira #hatebreed #horsetheband #ironmaiden #iondissonance #katatonia #kingdiamond #korn #LambOfGod #linkinpark #machinehead #MorbidAngel #mushroomhead #nevermore #thenumbertwelvelookslikeyou #oldmanschild #opeth #soilwork #sevendust #staticx #strappingyounglad #trivium #typeonegative #metal #deathmetal #blackmetal #thrashmetal #numetal #progressivemetal #metalprogresivo
#DunkleIsNowPlaying 🎶
Impending Doom
by Chimaira
Listen here: https://song.link/https://music.apple.com/us/album/impending-doom/311555936?i=311555979&uo=4&app=music
The next #BandcampFriday is March 3, 2023 🤘
#BandcampFriday #music #metalcore #theinfection #chimaira #dunkleisnowplaying #nowplaying
CHIMAIRA's ROB ARNOLD Says New Material Isn't "Completely Off The Table," Explains Why It's So Hard #2023_02_02 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #chimaira #featured2
#2023_02_02 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #chimaira #featured2