Time to hit the road, again.
WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/2WK8Af-nc0s
#letsplay #monsterhunterclone #openworldrpg #survivalrpg #turnbasedrpg #rpg #firestarter #wukong #gen4 #chimchar #pokemonlegendsarceus #pokemon #nintendoswitch #smallyoutuber #smallstreamer #smallcontentcreator
Zal is #noibat who attacked Himiko in woods, but Himiko defeat in battle and capture in ball for being mean. Himiko offer Zal let join team, so Zal stay for train: very aggressive, very like fight. Himiko say Zal colors rare caused by hormones: Zal is green, and internet says normal colors is purple.
Kanani and I am think Zal stupid, and can say here because Zal 100% illiterate, bababa!
Dante is #monferno, Himiko know for long time as #chimchar since child. Dante grew up in #VanadielTown lab, know sign language from experiment with #ProfessorYew, so good for translate. Himiko take Dante as first pokemon, very close.
Kanani says they cute couple, am not seeing it.
#noibat #monferno #chimchar #vanadieltown #professoryew
Zal is #noibat who attacked Himiko in woods, but Himiko defeat in battle and capture in ball for being mean. Himiko offer Zal let join team, so Zal stay for train: very aggressive, very like fight. Himiko say Zal colors rare caused by hormones: Zal is green, and internet says normal colors is purple.
Kanani and I am think Zal stupid, and can say here because Zal 100% illiterate, bababa!
Dante is #monferno, Himiko know for long time as #chimchar since child. Dante grew up in #VanadielTown lab, know sign language from experiment with #ProfessorYew, so good for translate. Himiko take Dante as first pokemon, very close.
Kanani says they cute couple, am not seeing it.
#noibat #monferno #chimchar #vanadieltown #professoryew
Kotaku: Let’s Rank The Pokémon Starters, Worst To Best https://kotaku.com/let-s-rank-the-pokemon-starters-worst-to-best-1850287696 #gaming #tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #gameplayofpokc3a9mon #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #cyndaquilcyndaquil #turtwigturtwig #sarahmclachlan #fictionalfoxes #blackandwhite #ashketchum #charmander #bulbasaur #chikorita #torchsong #charizard #totodile #squirtle #chimchar #fennekin #pokemon #chespin #katrina #torchic #fiction #litten #mudkip #snivy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #gameplayofpokc3a9mon #videogamecharacters #fictionalcharacters #cyndaquilcyndaquil #turtwigturtwig #sarahmclachlan #fictionalfoxes #blackandwhite #ashketchum #charmander #bulbasaur #chikorita #torchsong #charizard #totodile #squirtle #chimchar #fennekin #pokemon #chespin #katrina #torchic #fiction #litten #mudkip #snivy
Chimchar and Eevee touch some beach sand.
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #ExplorersOfTime #PocketMonsters #Chimchar #Eevee #Nintendo #GameFreak #SpikeChunsoft #MastoArt
#PokemonMysteryDungeon #explorersoftime #pocketmonsters #chimchar #eevee #Nintendo #GameFreak #spikechunsoft #MastoArt
A whole bunch of little starter (and more!) drawings I made when Pokémon BD/SP were announced. :)
#MastoArt #Pokemon #Piplup #Turtwig #Chimchar #Drifloon #Pachirisu #Bidoof #Spritomb #Starly #Gible #Shellos #Manaphy #Rotom #Chatot #Finneon #Bonsly #Procreate #iPadPro
#ipadpro #procreate #bonsly #Finneon #chatot #rotom #manaphy #Shellos #gible #starly #Spritomb #bidoof #pachirisu #drifloon #chimchar #turtwig #piplup #pokemon #MastoArt
"How Disappointing"
Paul is never pleased with Chimchar's performance. Ash would have accepted that blowjob, no problem!
#nsfw #pokemon #shota #furry #blowjob #chimchar #monkey #bottomless #oral #pokemontrainer #anime #paul #cub #beastiality
#oral #monkey #bottomless #pokemontrainer #beastiality #nsfw #blowjob #chimchar #pokemon #shota #furry #paul #anime #cub
"Sketch Drop 137"
View the image descriptions in the thread below. All images are not final and are subject to change.
#sketchdrop #loli #shota #nsfw #furry #beastiality #pokemon #chimchar #ash #frotting #cum #ejaculate bottomless #semen #monkey #Toad #papermario #maid #supermario #legendofzelda #classiclink #classiczelda #triforce #toddler #frombehind #doggystyle #babysherry #babypopple #superstarsaga #erection
#sketchdrop #loli #shota #nsfw #furry #beastiality #pokemon #chimchar #ash #frotting #cum #ejaculate #semen #monkey #toad #papermario #maid #supermario #legendofzelda #classiclink #classiczelda #triforce #toddler #frombehind #doggystyle #babysherry #babypopple #superstarsaga #erection
"Sketch Drop 134"
View the image descriptions in the thread below. All images are not final and are subject to change.
#sketchdrop #loli #shota #nsfw #furry #babydaisy #babyluigi #typhlosion #cub #chimchar #supermario #toddler #cum #penetrate #bottomless #naked #inkling #octoling #Splatoon #legendofzelda #princess #zelda #ruto #malon #sextoy #vibrator
#sketchdrop #loli #shota #nsfw #furry #babydaisy #babyluigi #typhlosion #cub #chimchar #supermario #toddler #cum #penetrate #bottomless #naked #inkling #octoling #splatoon #legendofzelda #princess #zelda #ruto #malon #sextoy #vibrator
happy fat penguin :3
Day 10: no. 387
Day 11: no. 390
Day 12: no. 393
#copic #micron #pokemon #posca #signo #chimchar #piplup #sinnoh #turtwig #inktober #inktober2018 #creativetoots #mastoart #pokemonstober
#micron #pokemon #posca #signo #chimchar #piplup #sinnoh #turtwig #inktober #inktober2018 #CreativeToots #MastoArt #pokemonstober #copic