Comparing cytoarchitectural subdivisions of #BrocasArea in humans & #chimps: @gagdiez @FriedericiLab &co find that BA44 expanded from a purely action region to a bipartite system (action-related posterior & #syntax-related anterior) in humans #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #syntax #chimps #brocasarea
GOPs aren’t capable of serving a human populace, because it is vastly more human than they are!
Like chimps, they only have novelty entertainment value!
Is it possible for humans and chimpanzees to interbreed? The answer is no. Humans and chimps have different numbers of chromosomes, gene sequences, and reproductive barriers preventing them from producing viable offspring. Even if they could, the offspring would likely be sterile, like mules, resulting from horse-donkey hybrids.
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
#photography #StLouis #Missouri #zoo #chimp #chimpanzees #chimps
#chimps #chimpanzees #chimp #zoo #missouri #stlouis #Photography
An #offset program — backed by the World Bank — that is meant to promote #conservation is actually devastating communities and the ecosystem in #Guinea, where villages have been torn apart and residents and endangered #chimps fight for the same #resources.
#Africa #WorldBankGroup #Offsets #Environment #Ecology #Communities
#communities #ecology #environment #offsets #worldbankgroup #africa #resources #chimps #guinea #conservation #offset
It all started when I had a dream about rescuing some chimps from under the stairs because an alien plant frond was trying to eat them.
This inspired the artwork for the new STARLITE.ONE album cover.
I was sober and no drugs were involved! 😎
A week or so ago I listened to the Joe Rogan interview with director James Reed and @simon and I felt compelled to watch the magnificent Chimp Empire!!
Out of Balance: How the World Bank Group Is Enabling the Deaths of Endangered Chimps
The World Bank Group enabled the devastation of villages and helped a #mining company justify the deaths of endangered #chimps with a dubious #offset
#Guinea #Africa #Biodiversity #Offsets #Environment #Ecology #Chimpanzees #Spillover
#mining #chimps #offset #guinea #Africa #biodiversity #offsets #environment #ecology #chimpanzees #spillover
Ill street puppy rescued & taken to nearby chimpanzee sanctuary. The chimps decide to help the humans help the pupper
Vuelve el lenguaje de los primates... con nuevos datos
RT @dweinberger
#Science discovers that #chimps have 390-word vocabularies, including 95 curse words for "humans". (Well, not that last part.) Before I got married I was advised to rent a teenager for a week to make sure having kids was really what I wanted to do. (It was, btw) #chimps #teens
#animals #chimpanzees #chimps #social #chimpanzee #cute #adorable #charming
#charming #adorable #cute #chimpanzee #social #chimps #chimpanzees #animals
#animals #chimpanzees #chimps #social #chimpanzee #cute #adorable #charming
#animals #chimpanzees #chimps #social #chimpanzee #cute #adorable #charming
#animals #chimpanzees #chimps #social #chimpanzee #cute #adorable #charming
#chimpanzee #animals #chimpanzees #chimps #social #cute #adorable #charming