End of Septembert updates: https://casualglimp.se/of/china/archives/public/NL094/ about #chinacoup, "Return to Dust", "Born to Fly", Tangshan, and even a joke
Mitäs Kiinassa tapahtuu - tuskin lentäjälakko 🤓? #chinacoup Mass Cancellation of Flights Across China; Reasons Unclear https://www.theepochtimes.com/mass-cancellation-of-flights-across-china-reasons-unclear_4749582.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SariEssayah/status/1573760712811372544
9.28 N记早报
1. 人权组织“保护卫士“报告称,中国去年“劝返“23 万逃犯
人权组织保护卫士报告称,中国去年海外追逃 23 万名涉嫌违法或犯罪的逃犯,而促使其“非自愿回国“的方式包括威胁其在中国的家人、骚扰当事人和直接将其绑架回国。
报告称,中国在海外建立了 54 个由中国警方管理的“海外警侨服务站“,其中一些站点涉及中国警方与外国政府的跨区域警务合作。 #海外追逃
2. 深圳沙尾居民抗议封控,与警察和防疫人员发生冲突
现场视频和照片显示,9 月 27 日晚,深圳沙尾爆发大规模抗议反对封控,抗议人群和警察与防疫人员对峙,双方发生肢体冲突,部分居民被警方带走,相关词条被微博封禁。 #防疫中国
3. 虚假信息“中国政变,习近平被软禁“是如何传播的?
据麻省理工科技报分析,上周末有关“中国政变,习近平被软禁“(#Chinacoup)的虚假信息在推特风起云涌,历经三个过程:(1)数个事实成为虚假信息的材料,包括北部战区司令李桥铭被撤换、党内元老宋平强调“老同志“的关键作用、上周十余个机场出现大面积延误、习近平自 16 日外访结束后未露面;(2)24 日,法轮功背景的“新唐人电视台”记者大量推送“政变“相关虚假信息,在中文推特圈引发热议;(3)大量印度用户介入,推动该虚假信息进入英文领域。
多个分析称,虽然许多发推或转推的账号看起来像 bot 或小号,但目前没有足够证据证明这是由官方背书或组织领导的虚假信息战。 #虚假信息
RT @schorselysees: Today in Beijing, I investigated the #chinacoup so you don’t have to. At considerable personal risk, I ventured out to some neuralgic key points in the city. Disturbing finds. Brace yourselves. /1
Appka kya bahen? Baith jaiye. Tell us if your husband was in Beijing during #chinacoup
RT @MrsGandhi@twitter.com
A defiant, power hungry Ashok Gehlot is looking at Sonia Gandhi straight in the eye.
He is sending out a strong message that he will call the shots in #Rajasthan.
What if, after becoming Congress President, he insists on becoming their Prime Ministerial candidate?? What then??
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MrsGandhi/status/1574093147725918208
Appka kya bahen? Baith jaiye. Tell us if your husband was in Beijing during #chinacoup
RT @MrsGandhi@twitter.com
A defiant, power hungry Ashok Gehlot is looking at Sonia Gandhi straight in the eye.
He is sending out a strong message that he will call the shots in #Rajasthan.
What if, after becoming Congress President, he insists on becoming their Prime Ministerial candidate?? What then??
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MrsGandhi/status/1574093147725918208
例如,该帐户分享了据称在针对中国国家主席习近平的#chinacoup 期间来自北京的重大爆炸的镜头。
@NovelSci正确地将这一说法追溯到 2015 年天津港口城市发生的爆炸事件。
从昨晚开始,我分析了近 2000 多个标签 #chinacoup 的账户。尽管考虑到庞大的数据集,这张图表还不够漂亮,但我还是找出了一堆粉丝数量极少的账户,它们是谣言的主要传播者。
RT @schorselysees@twitter.com
Today in Beijing, I investigated the #chinacoup so you don’t have to. At considerable personal risk, I ventured out to some neuralgic key points in the city. Disturbing finds. Brace yourselves. /1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/schorselysees/status/1573949280234008576
RT @schorselysees@twitter.com
Today in Beijing, I investigated the #chinacoup so you don’t have to. At considerable personal risk, I ventured out to some neuralgic key points in the city. Disturbing finds. Brace yourselves. /1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/schorselysees/status/1573949280234008576
This is my favorite fiction.
RT @MTvalluvan@twitter.com
Today It's Happening in Beijing
#PLA 's Coup! Tomorrow it will happen in Moscow or Ankara!
Dictators Like Xi jinping Vladimir Putin, Erdogan Who Live by Treachery & Occupy Power by Betrayal will Fall by Treason & Betrayal
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MTvalluvan/status/1573588526654193664
#pla #xijingping #chinacoup #beijing
RT @NovelSci
MISREPRESENTED VIDEO: There are videos being shared with #chinacoup that claim to show China right now -- these are from the 2015 Tianjin explosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv5g2MhPT5I
RT @NovelSci
I don't have anymore info than anyone else but there are plenty of entities who would gain from a disinfo campaign like this. If it's true, time will tell.Sources like Falungong-controlled media or unreliable outlets from India are not compelling. #chinacoup
சீன அதிபர் ஜி ஜிங்பிங் வீட்டுக்காவலில் உள்ளதாக சமூக வலைத்தளங்களில் பரபரப்பு…
https://patrikai.com/chinese-president-xi-jinping-is-under-house-arrest-twitter-trends/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#XiJingping #CCP #CCPChina #chinacoup #Militarycoup #PLA #chinamilitarycoup
#chinamilitarycoup #pla #militarycoup #chinacoup #CCPChina #ccp #XiJingping