A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
697 followers · 1710 posts · Server todon.eu

I don't know about any of my fellow travelers, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean- or their political influence.

#tiktok #prewarpropaganda #militaryindustrialcomplex #edwardsnowden #nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda

Last updated 2 years ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
692 followers · 1765 posts · Server todon.eu

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm MUCH more concerned about what my own government (and its oligarch overlords) are/will do with my personal information, than I am about what the Chinese government will do with what they might glean.

#nsa #fbi #cia #cointelpro #tiktokpropaganda #chinaisnottheenemy #nowarforoligarchs #SmedleyButler #propaganda #edwardsnowden

Last updated 2 years ago

A cappella :anarchistflag: · @waldenecovillage
619 followers · 1809 posts · Server todon.eu

War is when the government tells you whom to hate.

Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.

--Unknown (by me)


Last updated 2 years ago