US Lawmaker: Americans Don’t Need CBDC That Can Track Purchases Like China’s Digital Yuan - Several lawmakers have expressed concerns about the privacy risks of the Federal R... - #centralbankdigitalcurrency #americandigitalcurrency #chinesedigitalcurrency #chinadigitalcurrency #china’sdigitalyuan #federalreservecbdc #frenchhill #featured #congress
#congress #featured #frenchhill #federalreservecbdc #china #chinadigitalcurrency #chinesedigitalcurrency #americandigitalcurrency #centralbankdigitalcurrency
China’s Central Bank: Digital Yuan Transactions Reach $250 Billion - China’s central bank governor has revealed that transactions using the country’s c... - #chinesedigitalyuantransactions #chinesedigitalyuanpayments #chinesedigitalyuanwallets #digitalyuantransactions #chinesedigitalcurrency #digitalyuanwallets #chinesegovernment #chineseyuan #digitalyuan #featured #china #pboc
#pboc #china #featured #digitalyuan #chineseyuan #chinesegovernment #digitalyuanwallets #chinesedigitalcurrency #digitalyuantransactions #chinesedigitalyuanwallets #chinesedigitalyuanpayments #chinesedigitalyuantransactions
Fed Governor Waller Skeptical of Central Bank Digital Currencies — Says He’s ‘Not a Big Fan’ of the Fed Issuing Digital Dollar
#ChristopherWallercentralbankdigitalcurrency #centralbankdigitalcurrency #chinesedigitalcurrency #Fedissuesdigitaldollar #federalreservegovernor #ChristopherWaller #FederalReserve #DigitalDollar #DigitalYuan #CBDC
#ChristopherWallercentralbankdigitalcurrency #centralbankdigitalcurrency #chinesedigitalcurrency #Fedissuesdigitaldollar #federalreservegovernor #ChristopherWaller #federalreserve #digitaldollar #DigitalYuan #CBDC
Hayman Capital Management, breaks down the threat of a new #ChineseDigitalCurrency and how the regime could force countries to use it.
Kyle Bass: The ‘Cancer’ of China’s New Digital Currency
“Imagine a currency that almost has a mind of its own … It knows your account data, knows ...