Current #podcast listening: the Master of Demon Gorge has a series about the neighbouring empires of the Song Dynasty!
The Liao:,
The Jin:,
The Xixia:,
The Dali Kingdom:,
Starting to read this book, tonight.
A Daughter of Han.
The Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman.
By Ida Pruitt.
From the Story Told Her by Ning Lao T'ai-t'tai.
#AsianMastodon #Chinese #NonFiction #Book #Reading #ChineseHistory #autobiography #DecolonizeYourBookshelf #RecommendedReading #ChinesePeoples #ChineseWorkingWomen #RealLifeStory #biography #StanfordUniversityPress
#asianmastodon #chinese #nonfiction #book #reading #chinesehistory #autobiography #decolonizeyourbookshelf #recommendedreading #chinesepeoples #chineseworkingwomen #reallifestory #biography #stanforduniversitypress
@harukakasugano 不论是左是右,现在都到了必须改革不可的地步了。甚至可以说已经过了改革最好的时机了。但是基本现在断臂求生还是有可能的。不然最后就又是革命。 #ChineseHistory #Chinese #China #中国 #中文
#中文 #中国 #China #chinese #chinesehistory
A fascinating paper for anyone who’s interested in art history, eunuchs, and court gossip from a thousand years ago.
'Magpies and Hare': Cui Bai's Commentary on Marriage, Eunuchs, and Self-awareness, by Alfreda Murck.
300th Neputa Festival of Hirosaki, Aomori 弘前ねぷたまつり
#4k #Aomori #Aomoridestinations #Aomoritour #Aomoritravel #Aomoritrip #Aomorivacation #art #artwork #chinesehistory #drumming #Drums #educational #Entertainment #event #Festival #history #Japan #JapanTravel #japaneseart #JapaneseHistory #literature #Matsuri #music #Nebuta #neputa #ninja #painting #RomanceoftheThreeKingdoms #samurai #Singing #Tohoku #travel #vlog #WaterMargin #弘前ねぷたまつり #弘前ねぷたまつり運行順 #青森
#4k #aomori #aomoridestinations #aomoritour #aomoritravel #aomoritrip #aomorivacation #art #artwork #chinesehistory #drumming #drums #educational #entertainment #event #festival #history #japan #japantravel #japaneseart #japanesehistory #literature #matsuri #music #nebuta #neputa #ninja #painting #romanceofthethreekingdoms #samurai #singing #tohoku #travel #vlog #watermargin #弘前ねぷたまつり #弘前ねぷたまつり運行順 #青森
Curious if anyone knows any people or hashtags to follow for someone interested in Chinese culture and history? Right now most talk about China seems to be about news and politics and the more specific hashtags aren't very active, though I've been enjoying #chineseart.
Any suggestions?
#ChineseArt #askmastodon #china #chineseculture #chinesehistory
I came across a pamphlet in Singapore flea market, "The World Red Swastika Society Prospectus" (世界紅卍字會) - this is a fascinating religious and philanthropic organization tied to one of China's salvationist religious groups, was founded in 1920s. Read their presentation of their own organization in the scanned version of the pamphlet I put on Internet Archive:
#histodons #asianists #china #internetarchive #religion #chinesehistory
#histodons #asianists #china #internetarchive #religion #chinesehistory
Spent a relaxing evening browsing sources unrelated to anything in particular. Wrote up a Frog in a Well blog post on a fun Hong Kong education report I came across:
Hong Kong Education in Chinese Schools 1929
#hongkong #histodons #asianists #educationhistory #chinesehistory
#hongkong #histodons #asianists #educationhistory #chinesehistory
“Peter The Chinaman”, or Chow Ten, was well known for his hospitality and kindness. He later lost everything in a fire, but was helped by his neighbours. Article link is here: #Histodons #ChineseHistory #Tumut #HistodonsAu
#histodons #chinesehistory #tumut #histodonsau
So nowadays we have "Navigating the Semi-colonialism" for ships, "Driving toward Modernity" for automobiles, and "Railroads and the Transformation of China" for trains.
Are we ready for searching #ChineseModernity in planes, rockets, spacecrafts, and #teleportation ?
#chinesemodernity #teleportation #chinesehistory
More #findings of #ancient #weapons have been #unearthed from a #BurialPit near the #EmperorQinshihuang 's #Mausoleum in northwest #China 's #Shaanxi Province, according to the head of the #archeological team, adding many of which have offered new #clues for #solving #historical puzzles.
#AsianMastodon #Chinese #TerracottaWarriors #archaeology #AncientHistory #HumanHistory #ChineseHistory #science #research #HistoricalSite #SecretsOfTheDead #DiggingUpThePast
#findings #ancient #weapons #unearthed #burialpit #emperorqinshihuang #mausoleum #china #shaanxi #archeological #clues #solving #historical #asianmastodon #chinese #terracottawarriors #archaeology #ancienthistory #humanhistory #chinesehistory #science #research #historicalsite #secretsofthedead #diggingupthepast
Another good interview with a historian on Sixth Tone, this time with Luo Xin on microhistory and his new book, The Long Remains of Life: A Northern Wei Palace Maid and Her Times. #ChineseHistory
Since the appearance of "world history" as an academic subgenre in the 1990s, the Silk Road has received considerable attention. #SilkRoad #ChineseHistory #TradeRoute #History
#History #traderoute #chinesehistory #silkroad
I had shelved this project indefinitely because, though I think there are a LOT of interesting things to examine about later Han frugality (aka political posturing during a time when food was scarce), what I really wanted to do was compare the translations... and now I can! 😋🍚
#threekingdoms #chinesehistory
It's #doublefoundationday in #ChineseHistory: in 266, Cao Huang 曹璜 (246–302) of Wei 魏 cedes the throne to Sima Yan 司馬炎/ Jin Wudi 晉武帝, 236–90; in 960, Guo Zongxun 郭宗訓 (953–73) of Zhou 周 abdicates in favour of Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤/ Song Taizu 宋太祖, 927–76. #禪讓 #otd
#doublefoundationday #chinesehistory #禪讓 #otd
29/01/1726 in #ChineseHistory: completion of Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from Antiquity to the Present #古今圖書集成, largest '#encyclopaedia' of premodern #China in 10,000 chap. printed in moveable type. #knowledgehistory #bookhistory
#chinesehistory #古今圖書集成 #encyclopaedia #china #knowledgehistory #bookhistory
29/01/1899 in #ChineseHistory: Qu Qiubai #瞿秋白, #Chinese revolutionary, poet, critic, and leader of the #CommunistParty of #China. Left behind at the start of the #LongMarch, Qu was executed by nationalist forces in 1935. The novel Coloratura 花腔 is loosely based on Qu's fate.
#chinesehistory #瞿秋白 #chinese #communistparty #china #longmarch
#OTD in #ChineseHistory: An Lushan #安祿山 (703–757) killed by one of his eunuchs and his son. A military commissioner #節度使 of Turko-Sogdian descent in service of the Tang #唐, An rebelled in 755 thus starting the #AnLushanRebellion #安史之亂, founding his own Yan #燕 dynasty.
#otd #chinesehistory #安祿山 #節度使 #唐 #anlushanrebellion #安史之亂 #燕