FTX’s Bankman-Fried Is Allegedly Using Alameda Funds to Pay for Legal Defense - According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced co-founder... - https://news.bitcoin.com/ftxs-bankman-fried-is-allegedly-using-alameda-funds-to-pay-for-legal-defense/ #white-collarlawyer #chineseofficials #ghislainemaxwell #sambankman-fried #alamedaresearch #jeffreyepstein #u.s.government #bankman-fried #investigation #sextrafficker #formerftxceo #legaldefense #millionaire #prosecutors
#prosecutors #millionaire #legaldefense #formerftxceo #sextrafficker #investigation #bankman #u #jeffreyepstein #alamedaresearch #sambankman #ghislainemaxwell #chineseofficials #white
WSJ—Iterations of the #Omicron variant are spreading rapidly in #China after officials relaxed #zero-Covid controls in place for most of the #pandemic and hospitals are strained, employees have said. #Chineseofficials have reported a modest rise in #Covid-19 cases and deaths, but some public-health experts and relatives of the deceased suspect a #higher toll.
#Omicron #china #zero #pandemic #chineseofficials #COVID #higher #itisnotover