New post on Stories from a Burning House: in which we meet mopey Zen collectives, Daoist murderesses (alleged), bumptious exam candidates, and brassy dames, and a loudmouth gets what's coming to him.
#ChineseLiterature #TangDynasty #ChinesePoetry #Translation #寒山 #魚玄機 #王蘇蘇 #北里志
#Chineseliterature #tangdynasty #chinesepoetry #translation #寒山 #魚玄機 #王蘇蘇 #北里志
just listen to the fisherman’s song
Thanking Master Zhang with a Poem
Wang Wei
tr. Susan Wan Dolling
#Poetry #WangWei #SusanWanDolling #ChinesePoetry #PoetryInTranslation #Translation
#translation #poetryintranslation #chinesepoetry #susanwandolling #wangwei #poetry
Three songs from the #Shijing that make me SUPER curious about what people were saying.
Arthur Waley’s translation. #ChinesePoetry #gossip
#shijing #chinesepoetry #gossip
Anyone in the mood for 2700-year-old celebrity scandal? This is from the Arthur Waley translation of the Shijing. #ChinesePoetry
(NB I think picture 2 should say, “The princess was Wan’s step-mother.”)
Fallen on a time of foulness and impurity, alone with my misery,
I had no one to confide in.
In the night-time I lay, wide-eyed, without sleeping; my unquiet
soul was active until the daylight.
[ 遭沈濁而污穢兮,獨鬱結其誰語!
from Yuanyou (遠遊) in #TheSongOfTheSouth David Hawkes trans.
#thesongofthesouth #poetry #chinesepoetry
The fic also has lovely footnotes explaining some of the references. I especially liked the links to dragongirlG's own translations of poetry, including The Cold Bite of Autumn by #LiQingzhao:
Perverse by nature, I'm addicted to fine lines
If my words don't startle people, I won't give up till I die
- Du Fu, ca. 8th century
#chineseliterature #chinesepoetry #dufu
A silent rainbow hangs over the gate of the watch tower. / The rampart glares down at the fishing boats below. / A small child on the pier / Claps his hand & laughs. (Xue Tao, “From the River Terraceq”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #XueTao #WongMay
#wongmay #xuetao #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
So days away from home / Have grown to years. (He Zhizhang, “Homecoming”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #HeZhizhang #WongMay
#wongmay #hezhizhang #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
Having borrowed a wheelbarrow to move my belongings / I see they aren’t enough to fill one. (Meng Jiao, “Borrowing a Wheelbarrow”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #MengJiao #WongMay
#wongmay #mengjiao #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
I would advise you / Not to speak / Too distinctly / Upon acquiring human speech, // Speaking clearly will / Leave one no room to turn. (Luo Yin, “To the Parrot”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #PoetryInTranslation #ChinesePoetry #LuoYin #WongMay
#wongmay #luoyin #chinesepoetry #poetryintranslation #poetry
A new translation of Wang Wei arrived in my letterbox. Rexroth called him the perfect poet. I read his Deer Park poem while sipping Tie Guan Yin Oolong in my garden. Felt at oneness with the birds dancing above the hedge. #ChinesePoetry #poems #tea #Ch’an
#chinesepoetry #poems #tea #ch
A slight rain wakes the drunken sleeper. (Dou Shu Xiang, “Chatting with a Cousin One Summer Night”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #DouShuXiang #WongMay #Translation #ChinesePoetry
#chinesepoetry #translation #wongmay #doushuxiang #poetry
My heart goes flop like a flag in the wind. (Du Mu, “Farewell”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #DuMu #WongMay #Translation #ChinesePoetry
#chinesepoetry #translation #wongmay #dumu #poetry
Dreams traversing a great distance / Reach one at dawn, like letters from home / Many years after. (Du Mu, “Guest at the Inn”, tr. Wong May) #Poetry #DuMu #WongMay #Translation #ChinesePoetry
#chinesepoetry #translation #wongmay #dumu #poetry
#poesie am Dienstag:
„Zu allen Zeiten bringt es unsere Moral leichter / durcheinander, wenn wir offener für die Dinge / als für ihre Stillleben sind …“
(Aus „Gesellschaft für Traurige Tropen“ von Zang Di, in: „Gesellschaft für Flugversuche“, aus dem Chinesischen von Lea Schneider und Dong Li, Hanser 2019)
Große Leseempfehlung für Zang Di! Seine Lyrik bringt Alltagsmomente zum Schweben und piekst kleine Löcher ins Denken. Fabelhaft. #Lesen #chinesepoetry #Literatur #Bücher #Lyrik
#lyrik #bucher #literatur #chinesepoetry #lesen #poesie
Gotta love this:
"When P’o Yu-ch’ien was asked about immortality he answered in the following words: 'When someone asks me about the ways of immortality, I speak no word, but silently point to the falling blossoms.”" (Chung-yuan Chang, Creativity and Taoism)
#taoism #creativity #chinesepoetry #wisdom
There should be no doubt in future about who is responsible. 😝
@bhargavi_lawbookskettlebells @chenthil @poongabook
#bookstadon #books #poetry #ChinesePoetry #TangPoetry #translations
#bookstadon #books #poetry #chinesepoetry #tangpoetry #translations
Writing about bamboo, translating #Chinese poetry and having a Monday evening pint (the latter two were necessary to facilitate the former). Freelance life > office life.
#China #chinesepoetry #bamboo #writers #WritersDen #writing #freelancer
#chinese #China #chinesepoetry #bamboo #writers #WritersDen #writing #freelancer
Writing about bamboo, translating #Chinese poetry and having a Monday evening pint (the latter two were necessary to facilitate the former). Freelance life > office life.
#China #chinesepoetry #bamboo #writers #WritersDen #writing #freelancer #beer
#chinese #China #chinesepoetry #bamboo #writers #WritersDen #writing #freelancer #beer