Going to attempt Gai Lan with Oyster Sauce today.
There's so many different recipes, it's hard to choose from.
Beside the basic sauce recipe of oyster sauce, soy sauce, garlic, broth, sugar and pepper ...
Does your favourite gai lan sauce recipe also included any of the following?
#food #gailan #chinesefood #chinesevegetables
Daikon radish pods.
We stir fry/cook with them. I pickle some of them too. I let several pods go to seed & then tap them for sowing/sharing/saving.
#AsianMastodon #ChineseVegetables #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #WhatsInMyGarden #zone8 #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #fruit #GrowFoodNotLawns #harvest #FoodSecurity #FoodGrowers #FoodGarden #GrowYourOwnFood #FreshFood #permaculture #Vegetables #FoodPlants #daikon #RadishPods #SeedPods #Edible
#asianmastodon #chinesevegetables #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #whatsinmygarden #zone8 #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #fruit #growfoodnotlawns #harvest #foodsecurity #foodgrowers #foodgarden #growyourownfood #freshfood #permaculture #vegetables #foodplants #daikon #radishpods #seedPods #edible