📹Este video forma parte de un nuevo proyecto al que estoy dando forma. En él quiero dar voz a aquellos escritores que voy encontrando en mi camino para que sean ellos quienes se den a conocer un poco más.
❓Siempre habrá tres preguntas para ellos. En sus respuestas veréis quiénes son y de dónde vienen. También conoceréis una de sus obras. En esta ocasión, os traigo a José Antonio Castro Cebrián, que nos habla de su libro «El Cementerio de la Alegría». Podéis encontrar más info sobre el autor en su IG @jacastroescritor o en la web https://lajungladelasletras.com.
🎙️Al final de las preguntas siempre os dejaré un fragmento de la obra de la que se nos habla. La voz que lo narra es la de Quique Lozano, profesional del doblaje, locutor, músico y actor. Si queréis saber más sobre él o contratar sus servicios, tenéis toda su info en https://linktr.ee/quiquelozano.
🔗Y bueno, a mí podéis seguirme en mis redes sociales a través del enlace https://linktr.ee/victormorata.
Eso es todo por hoy. Feliz día. 😉🖖🏼
#joseantoniocastrocebrian #elcementeriodelaalegria #chipiona #martinezroca #misterio #cadiz #thriller #suspense #novela #humor #minientrevistas #3preguntas #escritores #victormorataescritor #VictorMorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadaña #finalistadomingosantos2022 #escritoresdeinstagram #escribirficción #escritoresenmurcia #proyectosliterarios #proyectoscreativos
#joseantoniocastrocebrian #elcementeriodelaalegria #chipiona #martinezroca #misterio #cadiz #thriller #suspense #novela #humor #minientrevistas #3preguntas #escritores #victormorataescritor #victormorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadana #finalistadomingosantos2022 #escritoresdeinstagram #escribirficcion #escritoresenmurcia #proyectosliterarios #proyectoscreativos
A quality solo ride into #Cheshire yesterday while everyone else was watching the #TourOfBritain. A quick coffee at The Wizard Tea Rooms after going up Artists Lane before the home stretch. 75km in glorious sunshine (remember that?) and happy in the knowledge it's pissing down at my Mum's in #Chipiona. They need it! Lovely to spend time with Peadar the #Pinarello, too. I've had this bike for over 20 years and I've no idea how old it actually is as I got it second hand from a proper racer!
#cycling #FromWhereIRide #OutsideIsFree #BikeTooter #BikeToot #PinarelloMarvel #PeadarThePinarello #CyclingIsAwesome #GetOutside #CyclingIsLife #VeganCyclist
#Cheshire #TourOfBritain #chipiona #pinarello #cycling #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #BikeTooter #biketoot #pinarellomarvel #peadarthepinarello #cyclingisawesome #getoutside #cyclingislife #vegancyclist
Helicóptero Leonardo AW139 REECNEG da SASEMAR em padrão de busca e salvamento ao largo de #Matalascañas (#JerezDeLaFrontera), entre #CaseríoMarzagón e #Chipiona #Espanha #España
#matalascanas #jerezdelafrontera #caseriomarzagon #chipiona #espanha #espana
Confirmado, si atropellas a un policía porque tenias alguna emergencia es causa justificada.
First part of my journey home after caring for my Mum for a month in #Chipiona . Fortunately, she is very much on the mend so makes the return home to Mrs C and the boy so much easier. Next stop, #Madrid airport then onto #Manchester.
#chipiona #Madrid #manchester #jerezairport #espana #jerez #andalucia #iberia #chipionatomanchesterpartone
Back to watch #Chipiona C.F. play again today, versus Real Balompédica Linense B. It ended 1-1 but that was down to Chipiona equalising with the VERY last kick off their game. It was a great game, much better than last week, which Chipiona won, but today's opposition were far tougher.The ref was a homer, too, that's for sure! #RealBalompédicaLinenseB #SpanishFootball #Andalucia #Football #YetToSeeChipionaLose
#chipiona #realbalompedicalinenseb #spanishfootball #andalucia #football #yettoseechipionalose
Out again with Bob (my Mum's partner) tonight in #Chipiona. First port of call is Bar Maruri. The bar has a lovely dog called #Loki. Seems that Loki now has a modelling career, as he is on a full size poster in the pet shop window opposite. #DogsOfMastodon #MastoDogs #LokiTheBarDog #ChipiDogs
#chipiona #loki #dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #lokithebardog #chipidogs
Great to be aware that if the next #Tsunami hits #Chipiona (last big 'un was 1755 and I don't mean 5 to 6!), I'll know where to go. (That's not me by the lamppost, that's political cartoonist Brian Adcock). #TsunamiReady #ChipiDogs #BrianAdcock
#tsunami #chipiona #tsunamiready #chipidogs #brianadcock
A chance to watch some local football. Chipiona C.F. v Locate D.V. 5 euros to get in. Chipiona are 1-0 at half time. I must be there only non-Spaniard here. #Chipiona #ChipionaCF #SpanishFootball #CheapAsChips
#chipiona #chipionacf #spanishfootball #cheapaschips
It's tough to get any decent #vegan food in the totally fish and meat orientated #Chipiona, but at some places you can. At Manolo's, I get pisto (make sure you ask for it "sin huevo"), pimientos fritas and patatas fritas. Plus some great vino tinto. The Central Club, next door, has more options. #ItsAStruggleButIGetBy #VeganFood #Pisto #PadronPeppers
#vegan #chipiona #itsastrugglebutigetby #veganfood #pisto #padronpeppers
Another lovely Saturday walk around #Chipiona. My buggered ankle meant I had to stop for a caña when I found Bob, after 3km. It's a tough gig.
I've been in #Chipiona #Spain just over 2 weeks now keeping an eye on my Mum, who's recovering from a big op. I've 2 more weeks to go before I head home back to #Manchester. I'll miss looking after Mum but I'm really looking forward to getting back to being with Wendy & Conor. And my bikes! #Orro
#chipiona #spain #manchester #orro