This afternoon I made #Pesto with garlic scapes, parsley, basil, kale, olives, pumpkin seeds, parmesan cheese, and olive oil (order no indicator of quantity sadly, pesto recipes are fast and loose around here) and I just ate it with corn chips! So good!
#ErMerGerd #SoGood #HelloILoveYou #Food #EverythingCanBePesto #ChipsAndDip #Snacks #FromScratch
#fromscratch #snacks #chipsanddip #everythingcanbepesto #food #helloiloveyou #SoGood #ermergerd #pesto
A fascinating can of #CheeseDip, all of the writing on the front of the can is in English, yet none of the ingredient lists and cooking instructions on the back are.
#cheesedip #chipsanddip #snack
Not gonna lie, I've always wondered about this.
Is there a world beyond Kiwi Onion Dip? All the other Maggi soup mix flavours, ranked | The Spinoff
#chipsanddip #kiwioniondip #dip #soup #food