Finally finished my magfest photos at Chipspace. Glad to be done with that. Normally when photographing, I don't have to pull multiple duties but it was a fun challenge, especially the few times I was doing both visuals and running down to get photos. I really need to save for a super zoom lens.
#chiptune #chipspace #magfest #MAGFest2023 #photography
#photography #magfest2023 #magfest #chipspace #chiptune
Hey mastodon, sorry for ignoring you. Been busy with some goodness at Chipspace at MAGFEST
#chipspace #chiptune #chiptunes #magtv #MAGFest2023 #MAGFest
#magfest #magfest2023 #magtv #chiptunes #chiptune #chipspace
Hey yo, #chiptune lovers, we're live at Chipspace at MAGFest
#chipspace #magfest #magfest2023
#magfest2023 #magfest #chipspace #chiptune
Cross posting from MAGFest's official socials
The Chipspace Emissary is equipping items for all festgoers to enjoy at this year's MAGFest! Join us for showcases with chiptune's best artists, demos to test your skill, and of course, our main fighter: OPEN MIC! Party with us & read more details here:
#magfest #chipspace #chiptunes #chiptune
Cross posting from MAGFest's official social
The Chipspace Emissary is equipping items for all festgoers to enjoy at this year's MAGFest! Join us for showcases with chiptune's best artists, demos to test your skill, and of course, our main fighter: OPENMIC! Party with us & read more details here:
#chiptune #chiptunes #magfest #magsuper #magfest2023 #magfestsuper #vgm #famitracker #lsdj #8bitmusic #fmtracker #pulsewave #trianglewave #whitenoise #vgmusic #8bit #chipspace
#8bit #VGMusic #whitenoise #trianglewave #pulsewave #fmtracker #8BitMusic #lsdj #Famitracker #vgm #magfestsuper #magfest2023 #magsuper #magfest #chipspace #chiptunes #chiptune
And on the off chance there's #chiptune performers here, #chipspace at #MAGFest is open for submissions until 11:59 PM November 7th. Details at the perform page
Open Mic is still available but this is for curated shows
#chiptunes #famitracker #lsdj
#lsdj #Famitracker #chiptunes #magfest #chipspace #chiptune