All change with incoming warm weather; Daubenton’s absent, Natterer’s numbers well down. One Brown Long Eared back in their usual spot. #bats #chiroptera #batswarming #ecology #conservation #research
#bats #chiroptera #batswarming #ecology #conservation #research
Brown Long Eared bat swarming is well underway, Daubenton’s bats also arriving. #bats #batswarming #chiroptera #research
#bats #batswarming #chiroptera #research
Set up a cheap HD trailcam to monitor presence/abscence of a Noctule bat tree roost. Managed to capture a Tawny Owl predating emerging bats. #bat #chiroptera #batresearch
sorry for not posting in a while! to make up for it, i present to you: an absolute unit of a bumblebee, a wall brown butterfly and european comma butterfly (both of which i'm very impressed let me get so close), plus a bonus indian flying fox my mum saw in the maldives which i am *very* jealous about 🦇
#nature #insect #insects #entomology #bee #bees #bumblebee #butterfly #butterflies #bat #bats #chiroptera
1. Bombus terrestris
2. Lasiommata megera
3. Polygonia c-album
4. Pteropus giganteus
#nature #insect #insects #entomology #bee #bees #bumblebee #butterfly #butterflies #bat #bats #chiroptera
#bats #Chiroptera #Science #Zoology #BrownBat
Is there a safe way for me to tag or mark a bat?
I can't tell if the bat that shows up in my house every week or two is the same bat or what.
I've checked everywhere they could roost but no sign, and I don't know how the flappy fuckers keep getting in, and I'd rather they not get munched on by my cats since brown bats are doing pretty rough already
#bats #chiroptera #science #zoology #brownbat
Bats Around our Home aka 16WW - Our house in a bat hotspot - pipistrelles rather than vampires! #bat #Chiroptera #dataset -
Presentation and workshop PowerPoint prepped for tomorrows Bat Conservation Trust North of England conference. #bats #chiroptera #research #conservation #ecology
#bats #chiroptera #research #conservation #ecology
RT @fmatutini
📣#job #postdoc #CDD - 18 month – systematic review on #bats and #agriculture with @Le_Museum Julie Marmet, @OFBiodiversite @fmatutini et Fédération des @RESEAU_CEN Valérie Wiorek. 🦇
#bat #ecology #agroecology #review #chiroptera
#job #postdoc #CDD #bats #agriculture #bat #ecology #agroecology #review #chiroptera
📣#job #postdoc #CDD - 18 month – systematic review on #bats and #agriculture with @Le_Museum
Julie Marmet, @OFBiodiversite
et Fédération des @RESEAU_CEN
Valérie Wiorek. 🦇
#bat #ecology #agroecology #review #chiroptera
#job #postdoc #CDD #bats #agriculture #bat #ecology #agroecology #review #chiroptera
Interesting day hosting some airborne eDNA sampling of two bat hibernation sites. Potential for identifying species assemblages looks promising. #bats #chiroptera #hibernation #research #conservation #ecology
#bats #chiroptera #hibernation #research #conservation #ecology
Sampling eDNA from air in enclosed spaces to identify species hibernating in caves and leadmines sounds like an interesting non intrusive method to survey. Naturally we’ve sent an email to try and get included in the trial. #bats #chiroptera #hibernation
#bats #chiroptera #hibernation
If anyone knows how I can get hold of a copy of this issue of Lutra in English I’d be very grateful to find out. More than happy to pay for a copy #bats #lutra #research #hibernation #chiroptera
#bats #lutra #research #hibernation #chiroptera