Was war das gestern auf dem 10m Band? 😳 Ich hatte da nur ganz vereinzelt Signale. Aber so gehäuft, das ist schon etwas besonderes. Jedenfalls komische atmosphärische Störungen. #radio #ham #chirp https://yewtu.be/watch?v=YyCFp3l2a_s
Other than its lack of programming support, the Boafeng UV-17R is just better than the UV-5R for the same price. If #chirp eventually supports it, I'm not sure why they'd keep the 5r around. #ham #amateurRadio #fengGang
#FengGang #amateurradio #ham #chirp
Does #CHIRP just have me spoiled or is there really no way to query various #DMR databases for repeaters/contacts? This looks tedious even with the stock TYT software.
I mean I'm not opposed to just throwing on a podcast and doing it over a lunch break, but I'm also wondering if I'm about to spend tomorrow coding a python utility to yank all this for me. (I mean, gotta learn API calls anyway, might as well, I suppose.)
Ihr wollt den Überblick behalten über die aktuellen Signalkandidaten von @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA? Eine Möglichkeit ist das Projekt Chirp, das alle Informationen handlich aufbereitet. Schaut es euch an!
#gravitationswellen #astronomie #chirp
Want to stay up to date with the latest gravitational-wave signal candidates from @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA? Check out Chirp!
#gravitationalwaves #astronomy #chirp
End of a era…
Good bye chirp… you were great for checking twitter on my Apple Watch you will be missed
#tech #applewatch #twitter #chirp #goodbye #era #end #endofanera #sad
#tech #applewatch #twitter #chirp #goodbye #era #end #endofanera #sad
TIL that the #Fourier transform of a linear #chirp is a linear chirp (aka Gaussian with a purely imaginary argument), as explained by Howard E. Haber in this pdf http://scipp.ucsc.edu/~haber/ph215/Gaussian.pdf (see eq. 14) with a nice complex calculus demonstration.
@feb wer nicht auf Friendica ist, müsste die Gruppen dann über externe Seiten suchen und dann die URL reinkopieren.
Für #Friendica hier: https://dir.friendica.social/group
für #Lemmy bspw. hier: https://lemmyverse.net/communities
für #Chirp hier: https://chirp.social/hashtags?page=1&sort=name
für #kbin und #guppe wüsste ich nicht, dass es da übergreifende Suchen gibt, oder?
Und #Peertube -Kanäle laufen technisch wohl auch als Gruppe und können über #Sepiasearch übergreifend durchsucht werden: https://sepiasearch.org/
#SepiaSearch #peertube #guppe #kbin #chirp #lemmy #friendica
Has anyone used a #tidradio TD-BL-1 Bluetooth programmer for #hamradio? I've been using mine for a little bit with my super awesome UV-5R (Actually, once it got a proper antenna it's growing on me again.) It also works with a few other things I've got. I've used it with the #odmaster software, and that works okay. Anyone know if it can be used with #chirp ?
#tidradio #hamradio #odmaster #chirp
I'm trying to list more Fediverse groups on https://fedi.directory.
You can see groups I've listed so far at https://fedi.directory/tag/fediverse-groups/
If you have any groups you think I should add, let me know in the replies! :)
#Fediverse #groups #guppe #chirp
#China made #baofeng & #Retevis #radioCPS is tearing up my #WindowsOS. #mswindows10
I bet it's spying on me as well.
#bluescreenofdeath #OScrash #amateurradio #GMRS #hamR #chirp
#chirp #hamr #gmrs #amateurradio #oscrash #bluescreenofdeath #mswindows10 #WindowsOS #radiocps #Retevis #baofeng #china