The Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service, #SIS, said ended its partnership agreement with Russia’s Federal Security Service, #FSB
Last week, the Moldovan authorities sent home 18 Russian diplomats and 27 technical embassy staff amid an alleged espionage scandal after investigative media outlets reported that #Russia had installed 28 antennas at its diplomatic building in #Chisinau that could be used for spying or phone-tapping.
#sis #fsb #russia #chisinau #transnistria #svr
The other video he sent me, also in #Romanian, was this 10-year old clip about another #luthier from #Chişinău #Moldova, Ion Borş. We also see some scenes of him putting together instruments as well as showing off various other stringed and blown #MusicalInstruments from his collection.
I've seen videos of Borş performing decades earlier so I think he was a well-known accompanist earlier in life.
#FolkMusic #Moldova #lute #koboz #cobza
#romanian #luthier #chisinau #moldova #musicalinstruments #folkmusic #lute #koboz #cobza
A friend in Budapest who knows I'm interested in the #cobza sent me some new videos about cobza-making #luthiers to watch😏 🎶
The first, an hourlong episode from TVR Moldova is about maker Nicolae Dron, who lives in a town south of #Chişinău #Moldova
Episode is in Romanian of course, but even if you can't understand the narration, there are many cool clips of different cobzas being played or what new and old ones look like inside
#FolkMusic #MusicalInstruments #lute
#cobza #luthiers #chisinau #moldova #folkmusic #musicalinstruments #lute
BBC News - #Moldova attack: Two dead as man opens fire inside #Chisinau #airport
The citizen of Tajikistan who was shot today at #Chisinau airport is in a serious condition. He is now in the hospital under guard, Acting Prosecutor General Ion Munteanu said, specifying that, according to Moldovan law, he could face a life term of imprisonment.
The prosecutor… #press
Special services are preparing to storm the room at #Chisinau airport, where the "shooter" barricaded himself - Moldovan Interior Ministry.
According to reports, the "Fulger" special forces battalion intervened.
"We are trying to detain the aggressor, whose victims have already… #press
#Ukraine and #Moldova signed an agreement on the construction of a bridge on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border near the settlements of Yampil and Koseut.
"The bridge will become a key link of the transport corridor between #Kyiv and #Chisinau. In addition, thanks to the bridge, Ukrainian exporters will have the shortest route from the center of Ukraine to the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe, bypassing Transnistria, which the Russians occupy," explained Deputy Prime Minister Kubrakov
#ukraine #moldova #kyiv #chisinau
Seit dem Krieg in der #Ukraine steht die #RepublikMoldau im Fokus der Geopolitik. Wie aber reagieren moldauische Künstler auf den Krieg und wie versuchen sie, Konflikten vorzubeugen? Mit meiner Kollegin Rada Leu habe ich mich für die NZZ in der freien Kunstszene von #Chisinau umgeschaut.
#chisinau #republikmoldau #ukraine
Mural painting symbol of European aspirations inaugurated in Moldovan capital of #Chisinau
🇲🇩 Immense rassemblement pro-Europe à Chisinau 📰
#RevuedePresse #Politique #International #Moldavie #Chisinau #UnionEuropéenne #UE
#revuedepresse #politique #international #Moldavie #chisinau #unioneuropeenne #ue
The next time you see Shor's paid thugs, a couple of hundred of them, remember this.
The next time you see a few "separatists" demanding they get what they want, remember this.
Bei der Stichwahl in #Gagausien hat sich die moskaufreundliche Jewgenija Gutsul von der Schor-Partei durchgesetzt. Das kleine autonome Gebiet dürfte sich damit weiter von der Zentralregierung in #Chisinău entfernen.
Translation in the link.
Flammable materials brought to Shor backed protest in #Chisinau, with the objective of starting fires.
"Protesters" admit to being paid.
More trees planted in Moldova / Chisinau by Cosmonauts and astronauts. This is at the #Chisinau technical university.
There are 2 more trees, but the name plates have been vandalised.