3D printing has been a real learning experience.
Some models print, but are just too brittle to be any good for tabletop gaming, so I find chunkier examples. The support pillars were tricky, but then I switched to #chitubox to do that part as it’s more advanced than the manufacturer’s software.
I then export the complete “plate” and slice it in the Anycubic software as I can guarantee that one uses the right settings for my machine. Finally getting good results.
an die 3D-Drucker hier.
Ich habe einen einen #AnycubicPhotonMono4K.
Ich wollte jetzt ein erstes Modelle dafür slicen, scheitere aber bereits am finden der korrekten #Slicer Software.
Anycubic liefert #AnycubicPhotonWorkshop mit allerdings nur für Windows und Mac (habe ich nicht).
Daraufhin habe ich #Chitubox und #Lychee gefunden aber beide wollen einen Account.
Gibt es da echt nichts freies für Linux, dass pwma-Dateien erstellen kann?
#chitubox #lychee #3ddruck #resin #linux #anycubicphotonmono4k #slicer #anycubicphotonworkshop
I hate half-arsed apps. In this case QT apps like putting things in my start-up that have no associated application. So, when my computer boots up it keeps asking me to select an application to run this rubbish. #qt #rubbishapps #stopit #reallusion #chitubox
#qt #rubbishapps #stopit #reallusion #chitubox