Cornelius Flynn · @cflynnbooks
7 followers · 59 posts · Server

3D printing has been a real learning experience.

Some models print, but are just too brittle to be any good for tabletop gaming, so I find chunkier examples. The support pillars were tricky, but then I switched to to do that part as it’s more advanced than the manufacturer’s software.

I then export the complete “plate” and slice it in the Anycubic software as I can guarantee that one uses the right settings for my machine. Finally getting good results.

#chitubox #warhammer

Last updated 2 years ago

CaptainMalu · @CaptainMalu
86 followers · 1845 posts · Server

an die 3D-Drucker hier.
Ich habe einen einen .

Ich wollte jetzt ein erstes Modelle dafür slicen, scheitere aber bereits am finden der korrekten Software.

Anycubic liefert mit allerdings nur für Windows und Mac (habe ich nicht).

Daraufhin habe ich und gefunden aber beide wollen einen Account.

Gibt es da echt nichts freies für Linux, dass pwma-Dateien erstellen kann?

#chitubox #lychee #3ddruck #resin #linux #anycubicphotonmono4k #slicer #anycubicphotonworkshop

Last updated 2 years ago

TorvaFirmus · @TorvaFirmus
38 followers · 255 posts · Server

I hate half-arsed apps. In this case QT apps like putting things in my start-up that have no associated application. So, when my computer boots up it keeps asking me to select an application to run this rubbish.

#qt #rubbishapps #stopit #reallusion #chitubox

Last updated 2 years ago