I think would helpful to have _a_ (not necessarily my) #chktex #precommit hook listed under https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html . This is where I searched for available hooks and only found the `pre-commit-latex-hook` repo, which is cool but not what I was looking for. 3/3
I was surprised I couldn't find [*] a #precommit hook to run the #ChkTeX #LaTeX #linter via the pre-commit framework (https://pre-commit.com) for #git . It was trivial to create a new pre-commit configuration that simply runs chktex, I published a WIP repo under: https://github.com/meliache/pre-commit-chktex .
I contains two hooks: chktex-system, which uses the system executable and chktex-conda, which installs chktex via #conda. Still I think probably this already exists somewhere and I just missed it. 1/N
#precommit #chktex #latex #linter #git #conda