#NowListening to the fabulous #ChloeAndTheNext20thCentury in advance of seeing #FatherJohnMisty live tomorrow.
I think #FJM has yet to release a poor album, but I love the story-telling, the sardonic wit, & the fact that he very much cuts his own path musically. #Chloe, #KissMeILovedYou, #MrBlue, are so different, so clever, so interesting musically, but with plenty of soul.
And he is just incredible live. Can’t wait.
#nowlistening #chloeandthenext20thcentury #fatherjohnmisty #fjm #chloe #kissmeilovedyou #mrblue #nowplaying #vinylrecords #vinyl #music
Okay, we’ve reached the fag end of 2022, & my top 5 favourite #albumsof2022 are,
1. #AntsFromUpThere by #BlackCountyNewRoad (#BCNR)
2. #DragonNewWarmMountainIBelieveInYou by #BigThief
3. #ChloeAndTheNext20thCentury by #FatherJohnMisty
4. #ALightForAttractingAttention by #TheSmile
5. #CoolItDown - #YeahYeahYeahs
I’ve enjoyed the newest offerings from #SoccerMommy, #FirstAidKit, & #BethOrton. I’ve also found myself warming to #BeingFunnyInAForeignLanguage by #The1975.
#albumsof2022 #antsfromupthere #blackcountynewroad #bcnr #dragonnewwarmmountainibelieveinyou #bigthief #chloeandthenext20thcentury #fatherjohnmisty #alightforattractingattention #thesmile #coolitdown #yeahyeahyeahs #soccermommy #firstaidkit #bethorton #beingfunnyinaforeignlanguage #the1975 #music #bestof2022
A cold evening sat drinking red wine (on a work night, I know) #listening to my second favourite #album of the year, the glorious #ChloëAndTheNext20thCentury by #FatherJohnMisty. So much good stuff here, #Chloë, #KissMeILovedYou, #GoodbyeMrBlue, #FunnyGirl, #Q4, & #TheNext20thCentury. Inventive, melodic, clever, funny, heartbreaking, & weird in the best kinda way: just as one might expect from a #FJM album.
And the record itself is well-mastered, dynamically rich, with great artwork.
#listening #album #chloeandthenext20thcentury #fatherjohnmisty #chloe #kissmeilovedyou #goodbyemrblue #funnygirl #q4 #thenext20thcentury #fjm #vinyl