"Una tableta de #chocolate blanco al #kiwi y una mierda, son dos mierdas." 🤢 🤮
Willy Wonka
#frasecitas always
Faire #Schokolade ?
" #Decolonize #Chocolate 2“ zeigt, wie der Traum einer eigenen Schokoladenfabrik direkt neben den Kakaoplantagen in Ghana für #fairafric Wirklichkeit wird. Der Film gewährt besondere Einblicke in den Bau der Fabrik und in die Lebenssituation der Farmer*innen, Mitarbeiter*innen und deren Familien. Außerdem befasst er sich mit Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Geschlechtergleichberechtigung und Kinderarbeit im Kakaoanbau in Afrika.
#schokolade #decolonize #chocolate #fairafric
Nestle is the ultimate corporate example of how evil capitalism can become..
#Nestle #Chocolate #Capitalism #Slavery
#nestle #chocolate #capitalism #slavery
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A7C844 Tail: #N600LL Flt: #N600LL
Owner: #MiltonSHersheyMedicalCenter
Aircraft: #Eurocopter AS365 N1 Dauphin
2023/09/10 14:33:47
#AS65 #AirAmbo #MedicalEvac #Chocolate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_S._Hershey
#planealert #a7c844 #n600ll #miltonshersheymedicalcenter #eurocopter #as65 #airambo #medicalevac #chocolate
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A7F37A Tail: #N611LL Flt: #N611LL
Owner: #MiltonSHersheyMedicalCenter
Aircraft: #Eurocopter AS365 N2 Dauphin
2023/09/10 12:37:29
#AS65 #AirAmbo #MedicalEvac #Chocolate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_S._Hershey
#planealert #a7f37a #n611ll #miltonshersheymedicalcenter #eurocopter #as65 #airambo #medicalevac #chocolate
@bitbear We have been buying #fairTrade #chocolate from Equal Exchange for many years now. They have a good variety and descriptions of their growers.
ive been kinda a red flag recently, i mentioned i migt make strawberries dipped in choco for my partners, cute right? until you realize my intent is to make them fall harder for me, which can be considered manipulation, ive been doing a few of these things i dunno what i have to change about myself to stop... please help
#relationships #love #life #mastodon #help #mentallyill #lgbtq #sunday #manipulation #strawberries #chocolate #canada
#relationships #love #life #mastodon #help #mentallyill #lgbtq #sunday #manipulation #strawberries #chocolate #canada
“Are any words the same in all #languages?”
Universal Words | languagehat.com
Two contenders: #coffee #chocolate
‘Gotta appreciate splitting a chocolate shake with the person you love at a real old school diner. #americana #diners #chocolate
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A7F37A Tail: #N611LL
Owner: #MiltonSHersheyMedicalCenter
Aircraft: #Eurocopter AS365 N2 Dauphin
2023/09/09 17:26:57
#AS65 #AirAmbo #MedicalEvac #Chocolate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_S._Hershey
#planealert #a7f37a #n611ll #miltonshersheymedicalcenter #eurocopter #as65 #airambo #medicalevac #chocolate
UK folks..... don't get the tubs of Celebrations, Quality Street etc, there's barely anything inside them.
#Consumerism #UK #Shopping #LateStageCapitalism #YoureOnlyBuyingAPlasticTub #Chocolate #RipOffBritain #Capitalism #Celebrations #QualityStreet
#consumerism #uk #shopping #latestagecapitalism #youreonlybuyingaplastictub #chocolate #ripoffbritain #capitalism #celebrations #qualitystreet
Doors Open Day here, dad and I off to visit couple of old churches. But first, pause for coffee and chocolate cake
#chocolat #chocolate #gateau #cake
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A7F37A Tail: #N611LL
Owner: #MiltonSHersheyMedicalCenter
Aircraft: #Eurocopter AS365 N2 Dauphin
2023/09/09 08:30:52
#AS65 #AirAmbo #MedicalEvac #Chocolate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_S._Hershey
#planealert #a7f37a #n611ll #miltonshersheymedicalcenter #eurocopter #as65 #airambo #medicalevac #chocolate
First we make a batter — everything except the heavy cream and vanilla. This has to chill for a couple hours and then it’ll get cream added and then go in the #icecream maker #cooking #baking #chocolate
#icecream #cooking #baking #chocolate
Happy The Red - it will taste better with chocolate Digital Arts https://www.artmajeur.com/happy-the-red/en/artworks/17144740/it-will-taste-better-with-chocolate
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #thf #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty
#nutty #squirrel #happytreefriends #thf #chocolate #bigdick #bigpenis #dick #penis #gayporn #porn #furry #yiff #gay #NSFW
Happy The Red - it will taste better with chocolate Digital Arts https://www.artmajeur.com/happy-the-red/en/artworks/17144740/it-will-taste-better-with-chocolate
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #thf #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty
#nutty #squirrel #happytreefriends #thf #chocolate #bigdick #bigpenis #dick #penis #gayporn #porn #Furry #yiff #gay #NSFW
Happy The Red - it will taste better with chocolate Digital Arts https://www.artmajeur.com/happy-the-red/en/artworks/17144740/it-will-taste-better-with-chocolate
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #thf #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #THF #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty
Happy The Red - it will taste better with chocolate Digital Arts https://www.artmajeur.com/happy-the-red/en/artworks/17144740/it-will-taste-better-with-chocolate
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #thf #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty
#nsfw #gay #yiff #furry #porn #gayporn #penis #dick #bigpenis #bigdick #chocolate #thf #happytreefriends #squirrel #nutty