Chennai’s #CakeWalk on #SterlingRoad
New #cafe that serves their iconic #chocolatetruffle and #breads
#PoojaSrinivasan, #KavyaSrinivasan
#frenchfries #molagapodi
60 seats
#cornribs #schezwanchickentapas #molagapodi #frenchfries #pulledbeefburger #hotchocolate #margaritapizza #kavyasrinivasan #poojasrinivasan #breads #chocolatetruffle #cafe #sterlingroad #Cakewalk
One of my favorite things to do with #AI text generators is to have it write #food #blogger posts with long monologues before sharing their #recipe - but in the style of a particular type of writer.
Today's Gem: A snarky AI shitting on human food bloggers while writing like one + bonus #ChocolateTruffle recipe
#ai #food #blogger #recipe #chocolatetruffle #openai