I'll Try That, Too d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:rco:dpap
"…finds a positive effect of the display promotion on unit sales, which is stronger for stores with high variety. …stronger promotion uplift for less popular products in stores with high variety on the display. This suggests that more variety may increase consumers’ willingness to try new products, when the financial risk is low"


#behavioraleconomics #choiceoverload #ExperimentalEcon

Last updated 1 year ago

Jan Adriaenssens · @verbeeld
291 followers · 217 posts · Server mastodon.social

(I'm not used to using and I have just thinking about which ones to use, or I can't find any suitable ones, and then I end up using almost none, but on Mastodon they are much more of an essential tool than on the BirdSite.)

#hashtags #choiceoverload

Last updated 2 years ago