#Scientists Have Created a Capsule-Form of #Cholera #Vaccine To Fight #Disease
#scientists #cholera #vaccine #disease
Kolekaart is a final-grade project completed by Thijs Erik Schouten in partnership with the Cartography Shop Webmapper, displaying historical data on the spread of cholera during the 1866 Amsterdam epidemic #cholera
@HeavenlyPossum Said shortness was far more likely due to disease than any form of intent-based violence.
Westerners got really used fast to not dying of #cholera, #tuberculosis or even just #influenza (those fevers without medication aren't just unpleasant). To the point they forgot that these diseases were killing in significant numbers all the way up to the middle of the 20th century (they never actually stopped, direct killing or indirect via long-term damage).
#cholera #tuberculosis #influenza
Latest MSF report:
'A deadly cycle: Malnutrition and disease outbreaks across the globe'
#measles #cholera
Climate change may be fueling a global surge in cholera outbreaks.
Grist reports: "The bacteria behind one of history’s deadliest diseases is thriving again due to extreme weather."
#cholera #disease #climatechange #climate #publichealth
🦠Netzwerfer unter sich? Immunzellen und Erreger kämpfen mit harten Bandagen ⚔️ - und soften Netzen.
Neu entdeckt: #Cholera-Erreger killen mit einer Art #Biofilm, während die Immunzellen tödliche Klebefallen auslegen.
Mein Stück auf #RiffReporter: https://www.riffreporter.de/de/wissen/cholera-vibrionen-infektion-immunsystem-abwehr-aggressiv-biofilm-schleim-ostsee
#cholera #biofilm #riffreporter
South Africa has experienced outbreaks of #cholera since January. The worst was in May in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria, where nearly 30 people died.
Cholera is a bacterial disease which spreads via the faecal-oral route mostly through ingestion of contaminated food and water.
It causes severe diarrhoea and dehydration, and in extreme cases death.
Oral cholera #vaccines may be considered to contain ongoing outbreaks and to limit the spread.
Am Ende des Tages ist die Wahl zwischen #putin und #Prigozhin eine Wahl zwischen #Pest und #Cholera!
#cholera #pest #prigozhin #putin
Russia wants to cover up the outbreaks of #infectious #diseases in #Kherson caused by their #destruction of #Kakhovka #dam.
3 things are catching up with #terrorist invader Russia at once:
1. Poor logistics means no bottled water
2. Blowing the damn contaminated everything
3. Left bank of Dnipro harder hit than the right
Adds up to a #cholera outbreak among Russian troops in #Kherson.
#infectious #diseases #Kherson #destruction #Kakhovka #dam #terrorist #cholera
As rumors of #cholera outbreak swirl, russia rushes to vaccinate troops, collaborators
On June 17, the partisans reported an outbreak of cholera among russian military personnel in Kherson Oblast and Crimea, which they attributed to russia causing a huge flood by destroying the #Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam.
Read more here 📎
#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#СлаваУкраїні! #StandWithUkraine
#cholera #Kakhovka #ukraine #slavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #СлаваУкраїні #StandWithUkraine
#Ukraine #KakhovkaDam #Cholera #Russia
Gosh, who would have thought there'd be consequences to blowing up a dam.
#russia #cholera #kakhovkadam #Ukraine
Laut #WHO ist die #Klimakrise die größte Gesundheitsbedrohung für die Menschheit: steigende Zahlen von #Malaria, #Mangelernährung, Durchfallerkrankungen wie #Cholera oder Hitzeschläge uvm.
Auf der Landkarte sind die besonders stark betroffenen Länder dunkelrot eingezeichnet, die weißen Punkte markieren die Einsätze von Ärzten ohne Grenzen.
#cholera #mangelernahrung #malaria #klimakrise #who
#SouthAfrica #Gauteng #Cholera
Hey don't worry everyone, SA government dept is on the case!
#southafrica #gauteng #cholera
RT @ECHO_LatAm: Civil unrest, political instability, hunger and the re-emergence of #cholera have significantly worsened the humanitarian situation in #Haiti.
We will not allow this humanitarian crisis to be forgotten.
The EU 🇪🇺 is committed to supporting Haitians. https://t.co/P2el3wielm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1664601700856897539
RT @pvanheus@twitter.com
The Hammanskraal #cholera outbreak is an absolute indictment of the SA government: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2023-05-21-cholera-in-hammanskraal-sa-government-must-pay-and-be-accountable/ - let's not pretend individual actions are the solution here.. especially in the face of water supply failures & a vaccine preventable disease https://twitter.com/nmuffuh/status/1660728631855927300
15 people have died thus far in a #cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, North of the city of Tshwane in South Africa that is being blamed on a failing water treatment plant (https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/gauteng/timeline-hammanskraal-water-crisis-is-not-new-it-is-16-years-in-the-making-efe086e2-61df-4d2a-9a04-334eaf4ad180). South Africa's first cholera death this year was reported in February (https://reliefweb.int/report/south-africa/sa-records-first-cholera-death-more-cases-detected).
Cholera causes fear
Devastating South African town
Bringing death and tears
#cholera #southafrica #outbreak #haiku #poetry
#cholera #southafrica #outbreak #haiku #poetry
https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230519-one-billion-people-at-risk-of-cholera-un-warns?xtor=EPR-300&_ope=eyJndWlkIjoiYmU3NDczOTdiNDU0MzhjODA0YzM2N2NmYmFkOTcyNDkifQ%3D%3D One billion people at risk of cholera, UN warns #Cholera #Poverty
RT @KenyaRedCross
In Wajir, our team is supporting the Department of Health in responding to the #cholera outbreak in Buna with pharmaceutical items, while also engaging community members —through community and religious leaders— on cholera prevention and control.
Community health volunteers will… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652662135745400832
'High Risk of Biological Hazard' In #Sudan After Fighters Seize #Biolab, #WHO Says
Soldiers have seized a biolab containing samples of #cholera and the #measles in #Khartoum.
https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvnjn/high-risk-of-biological-hazard-in-sudan-after-fighters-seize-biolab-who-says #bioharzard #war #sudanwar
#sudan #biolab #who #cholera #measles #khartoum #bioharzard #war #sudanwar