#Lunch today:
Cous cous, falafel balls, tomato*, cucumber*, red onion, toasted pine nuts, and feta on a bed of arugula and red lettuce.
Trying to go back to being #vegan. The feta was already purchased and didn’t want it to go to waste.
Recent bloodwork showed by #cholesterol as very high even for someone who is only 32. It’s both a genetic and lifestyle problem.
What’s your favorite vegan recipe?
J’essaie en ce moment de diminuer les graisses animales… pour pb de cholestérol très très élevé… bref ! Aujourd’hui, j’ai essayé le tofu que j’ai fait mariner avec de l’huile d’olive et des epices et revenir à la poêle…
Et ben, bof bof… 🤷🏻
Heureusement qu’il y avait du vin 😂
#cholesterol #tofu #pasgagnemonregime
Heart attack or stroke risk
High blood pressure, cholesterol
Metabolic traits flagged
#hypertension #cholesterol #heartdisease #strokerisk #haiku #poetry
#hypertension #cholesterol #heartdisease #StrokeRisk #haiku #poetry
New #PLOSBiology study shows that increased #cholesterol turnover in the inner ear is associated with age-related #hearing loss in mice, which can be reversed by administration of phytosterols.
#hearing #cholesterol #plosbiology
https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-that-lower-cholesterol/ Cholesterol is not dangerous to your health, Statin drugs are! Cholesterol is actually critical for your brain and immune system health. Your liver uses it to make your body's hormones. Healthy Cholesterol Balance between LDL and HDL is the key! Dump Your Statins Immediately or they will destroy your health! #cholesterol #ldl #hdl #statins #health
#cholesterol #LDL #HDL #statins #health
#Vegetarian and #vegan #diets may lower #cholesterol levels #healthyeating #plantbased
#vegetarian #vegan #diets #cholesterol #healthyeating #plantbased
Volgende week weer een facebook-live “Vrouwenhartcafé”. Dit keer gaan we lunchen, hartgezond uiteraard, om maandag 14 augustus om 13.00!
#vrouwenhart #gezonderleven #gezondeleefstijl #gezondheid #bloeddruk #cholesterol #BMI #JannekeWittekoek
#jannekewittekoek #bmi #cholesterol #bloeddruk #gezondheid #gezondeleefstijl #gezonderleven #vrouwenhart
#Friendship #exercise #cholesterol #Community
The Stairs Of Friendship. A meeting place, for hearts. 🙏💖
You don't have to run up them twenty times like this little human does. Maybe walking up once is enough for you.
Life is not a competition. It's a confluence of creeks, where water pools in the pond of friendship. Inter-currents. Inter-are.
You. Me. Community.
I'll see you on the stairs. Or maybe not. Who cares? I do. You do. I'll just see you when I see you. ✌️
Hey, have you heard about the cold front coming? Snow? Well, maybe. Just maybe... 🙏💖❄️
#friendship #exercise #cholesterol #community
Study reveals peculiar movements of #cholesterol in #cellular #membranes.
#cholesterol #cellular #membranes
Here are some cooking oils that can help reduce your cholesterol levels
#CookingOils #Cholesterol
#exercise #middleage #cholesterol #climatechange
T-shirt in July. We typically get warm July days like this before a big cold front. Now we just get warm July days without the front.
Twenty stair runs, then the usual walk/run to the bank and walk/run home. Didn't quite feel as strong today as some days - which is just the normal ebb and flow.
Only 27 minutes of effort but I really push my heart rate the whole time. Thanks to Marion, Jess and Spence for the insights on better eating and more strenuous exercise. ✌️🏃
#exercise #middleage #cholesterol #climatechange
Study: Adding #pomegranate peels to #macaroni may improve #antioxidant content, lower #cholesterol levels
#pomegranate #macaroni #antioxidant #cholesterol
Must be our blood's lipid levels
Else our risk of dementia
Grows significantly
#dementia #cholesterol #triglycerides #health #cinquain #poetry
#dementia #cholesterol #triglycerides #health #cinquain #poetry
https://herbalremedies.one/herbs-that-lower-cholesterol/ Cholesterol is not dangerous to your health, Statin drugs are! Cholesterol is actually critical for your brain and immune system health. Your liver uses it to make your body's hormones. Healthy Cholesterol Balance between LDL and HDL is the key! Dump Your Statins Immediately or they will destroy your health! #cholesterol #ldl #hdl #statins #health
#cholesterol #LDL #HDL #statins #health
Scientists discover what makes #cholesterol-containing surfaces so repulsive.
👉 7 Myths About #Cholesterol, Debunked
1️⃣Cholesterol is always harmful
2️⃣‘Good’ cholesterol is always protective
3️⃣You don’t need to get your cholesterol checked until you reach the average age for heart attacks.
4️⃣You have no control over your cholesterol levels
5️⃣If you have low cholesterol, you won’t have a heart attack.
6️⃣To keep your cholesterol low, you should avoid eggs.
7️⃣You can always control your cholesterol level without help from medications.
Planning on making my twins(14) eat healthy and exercise all summer- looks like I passed on my high cholesterol(twin A-240, B-209). We’ll find out in a couple months.
I tried many times over the years to change my cholesterol with diet/exercise and it’s never budged. Meds worked.
Kids are dumb, and hoping for the same so they can eat what they want.
I have more hope for twin B lowering it-they have further to go on improving diet.
A is screwed, eats well, could exercise more.
The #liver has an uncanny ability to repair and regenerate itself, and new research in mice suggests that the suppression of #cholesterol synthesis by the protein UHRF2 could be important for the process. @SciSignal https://scim.ag/2XG #press
NINA TEICHOLZ - The Truth About Saturated Fats, Seed Oils, and Cholesterol. www.carnivoresummit.co - YouTube
#keto #carnivore #saturatedFats #seedOils #cholesterol #health
#keto #carnivore #saturatedfats #seedoils #cholesterol #health