@classicalmusic @classicalpiano
#FrédéricChopin (#FryderykChopin) 1810 – 1849
Ballade No.1 in G minor, Opus 23
#VladimirHorowitz #Piano (1968)
#musik #music #musique #musica #Chopin
#classicalmusic #classicalpiano
#classicalpiano #classicalmusic #chopin #musica #musique #music #musik #piano #vladimirhorowitz #fryderykchopin #fredericchopin
Und noch ein Chopin, den es sich lohnt zu hören...
#EvgenyKissin spielte Chopins Klavierkonzert Nr. 1
Wer das Frühstücks-Fernsehen für Chopin-Fans verpasst hat - es ist bis 09.10.2023 noch in der #WDR #Mediathek zu sehen - #BruceLiu spielt #Chopin :
#chopin #bruceliu #mediathek #wdr
On se passe une nouvelle fois le #Prélude de #Chopin en mi mineur, Op. 28 nᵒ 4 ? qui joue un rôle important dans la diégèse d’Anatomie d’une chute… J’ai choisi une version interprétée par #GrigorySokolov.
#prelude #chopin #GrigorySokolov #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio
This is great! You can turn Chopin into jazz just by changing the accents.
esperando la lluvia...
only happy when it rains
Chopin - Nocturne (in E-flat major, Op.9, No.2)
#nowplaying #music #chopin #sovietmuzyka
#nowplaying #music #chopin #sovietmuzyka
Well, it's time to crash, so here's big Freddy Chopin to play us out with his smash hit number one - Nocturne 20.
Sweet dreams everyone 🕊
#MastodonFM #Chopin #Classical
#mastodonfm #chopin #classical
Là tout de suite, tu es perdu(e), tu ne sais pas quoi faire, tu erres sans but, tu me lis par hasard...
Mets ça : #Chopin #nocturne Op.48 No.1 in C minor joué par Rubinstein, écoute jusqu'au bout.
Voilà, c'est tout, tu as vécu la beauté, tu peux reprendre tes occupations. #Parenthèse
*Rodi, X Agosto del '23*
Un sonetto improvvisato guardando il cielo ed altri fatti venuti fuori fra stanotte e stamattina, mentre non ho visto stelle cadere.
Con illustrazioni provenienti da Van Gogh, Hokusai e Pollock, citazioni da Günther Anders e musica di Chopin.
#stelle #notte #sonetto #vangogh #hokusai #anders #chopin #aitan #aitanblog
#stelle #notte #sonetto #vangogh #hokusai #anders #chopin #aitan #aitanblog
Sol Gabetta & Bertrand Chamayou - Nocturne, Op. 15 No. 1 (Arr. for Cello and Piano)
#classical #classicalmusic #music #piano #cello #chopin
File under things you didn't know you needed.
#barbie #mozart #beethoven #schumann #schubert #chopin #ravel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR fsibw R5x4
#barbie #mozart #beethoven #schumann #schubert #chopin #ravel
"I'm a Barbie girl" again, but in the style of 6 classical composers 🎹 🎤 - Josep Castanyer Alonso
#piano #barbie #ravel #chopin #mozart #beethoven #schubert #schumann #music #musique #musik
#piano #barbie #ravel #chopin #mozart #beethoven #schubert #schumann #music #musique #musik
#music And he (Josep Castanyer Alonso) strikes again.
Variations on "I'm a Barbie Girl" in the style of #Mozart #Beethoven #Schumann #Schubert #Chopin #Ravel https://youtu.be/WRfsibwR5x4
As a follow up of his #Bach https://youtu.be/qsE7H6YPfco
Especially wowed by the magnificent Ravel version.
And as usual, superb musical annotations. E.g. about Chopin: "flamboyant modulation that goes nowhere" 🤣 😂
#music #mozart #beethoven #schumann #schubert #chopin #ravel #bach
Als #amateur speel ik op dit moment #muziek van #Bach en #Chopin op de #piano. Overigens is mijn repertoirelijst een stuk breder. Ik zoek al een tijdje hier op Mastodon naar gelijkgestemden maar ik tref voornamelijk professionals en concertaankondigingen. Welke amateur #musicus #muzikant #pianist speelt ook met veel plezier #klassiekemuziek ?
#klassiekemuziek #pianist #muzikant #musicus #piano #chopin #bach #muziek #amateur
I really love Alice Sara Ott’s takes on Chopin. Her playing is always so expressive and her willingness to focus on the melody and tone instead of stretching the vertosity is refreshing. The piano lacks a bit on this video, but still very nice. It has inspired me to take on the raindrops prelude sometime this year.
#classical #classicalmusic #chopin #alicesaraott
Frédéric Chopin composed his "Revolutionary Étude" (Op. 10, No. 12) in 1831, when he was 21 years old. Simply astounding that after a mere 21 years on this Earth, he was able to create a work of such passion and beauty.
Martha #Argerich explains why she doesn't want a PhD or #awards:"It's all about the past. It's never about what you are currently doing." Wonderful video with beautiful #music.
#arte #schumann #chopin #beethoven #piano #cello #maisky #music #awards #argerich