Thanks for joining me on our wee choral excursion, those of you who followed along. I've made a playlist of the whole of #ChoralAdvent, in order, here:
#choraladvent #music #christmas #carol #choir
Back on #ChoralAdvent day 4, I promised more Howells. For day 25, Christmas Day, I give you one of the most haunting pieces of choral music ever written, and my favourite thing to sing at Christmas: Here Is The Little Door. Have a good one, everybody.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas
#ChoralAdvent day 24. I've sung four transcendent settings of O Magnum Mysterium - by Palestrina, Victoria, Lauridsen, and Poulenc. I urge you to seek all four out, but the last is my favourite of all.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas
A jolly one to round up this #ChoralAdvent catch up. Day 23. Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day has been arranged by several folk but Gardner's version - and I do not say this lightly - slaps (way more fun than Rutter).
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
For #ChoralAdvent day 22, I ran across this just this year and am now OBSESSED. It was written by Dobrinka Tabakova in 2018 for BBC Music Magazine and it's, well. Just give it a listen. I WILL NOT REST until I have performed this piece.
You can read more about it here:
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
Anyone who noticed me skew a bit modern is waiting for this one, so let me put you out of your misery: here for #ChoralAdvent day 21 is Tavener's The Lamb. A masterclass in tension and release.
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
Staying modern and Scottish with #ChoralAdvent day 20. James MacMillan has composed some of the greatest choral works of this century. He can be a bit marmite for choristers, and if I'm honest I enjoy listening to his work more than singing it, but I'd still love to sing this one some time.
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
#ChoralAdvent catch-up! Day 19 is the wonderful @hutchingsmusic with a haunting modern setting of a 16th Scots text, Balulalow.
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
From the sublime to the ridiculous let's have another repeat offender for #ChoralAdvent day 18: more Rutter. The Angel's Carol was my very first Rutter. The Sans Day Carol is - I think - my most recent. You'll want to brush your teeth after this one.
Tune in tomorrow for more #ChoralAdvent catchup, including a modern piece from a wonderful composer friend of ours, @hutchingsmusic
#choraladvent #music #choir #christmas
For #ChoralAdvent day 17 and in honour of disgraced lesbian icon Lydia #TÁR, BACK IN BACH! This is a longer bit, from the Christmas Oratorio. I hummed and hawed over what to use but in the end I went with the sublime opening. Enjoy!
#choraladvent #tar #music #choir #christmas #bach
#ChoralAdvent catch-up day! I'm WAY behind so I'm gonna do this over a couple of days. Day 16 is one of my old choirs, the #Edinburgh University Singers, with a delightfully jaunty Ecce Novum Gaudium.
#choraladvent #edinburgh #music #choir #christmas
SO behind on #ChoralAdvent. I (M) have a few I want to say a little more about and it's been a hectic few days (well except today which was recovery from a hectic few days). I PROMISE I am gonna catch up!
#ChoralAdvent day 15
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen - Michael Praetorius
Not much to say about this one; it's just a classic.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas
Just in time for #ChoralAdvent day 14: this Ceremony Of Carols entry was originally for treble voices, but though I'm sure some would judge me I prefer this SATB version. Either way it's a banger, and fondly remembered by most who've sung it.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas
#ChoralAdvent day 13
Don't really have much to say about this one except that it's awesome and very atmospheric. Enjoy!
#choraladvent #music #christmas #choir
#ChoralAdvent day 12 (another double today)
This may or may not be the only Bach I post. NOBODY writes for altos like Bach.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas
Tonight I (M) sang in a #carol service with (a couple of) my choir(s) so for #ChoralAdvent day 11 here's one of the other pieces of #music we did - a weird little piece from Berlioz.
It was a nice night. #Christmas can start now.
#carol #choraladvent #music #christmas
#ChoralAdvent day 10
Messiah is it isn't really a 'Christmas' Oratorio. When it's inevitably sung at Christmas it's usually only part 1 (+Hallelujah) - a real shame as parts 2+3 are great. However, this bit is a Crimbo banger:
#choraladvent #choir #christmas #music
#ChoralAdvent day 9 (missed yesterday, woops, will double up)
An entry from a female composer for once - Elizabeth Poston. I adore this sweet arrangement, which is deceptively challenging!
#choraladvent #choir #christmas #music #carol
#ChoralAdvent day 8
There are so many versions of this. Some will favour a more classical performance. Some consider the Mediæval Bæbes to have the definitive version. For me nothing beats the raw, accented edge of Steeleye Span.
#choraladvent #choir #music #christmas #carol