#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #dunlaoghaire #dúnlaoghaire #monkstown #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlrcoco #dlrartsoffice #dlrarts #dlrlibraries #dublin #dublinevents #choir #choral #choralmusic #choralsinging #choralsingingrocks #openevening #opennight #tasternight #quakermeetinghouse #soprano #alto #tenor #bass #baritone #mezzosoprano #auditions #singtogether
#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlrcoco #dlrartsoffice #dlrarts #dlrlibraries #dublin #dublinevents #choir #choral #choralmusic #ChoralSinging #choralsingingrocks #openevening #opennight #tasternight #quakermeetinghouse #soprano #alto #tenor #bass #baritone #mezzosoprano #auditions #singtogether
Such an exciting day and worth waiting for when you hear the results! 🎶
Listen now!🔗tinyurl.com/yzhsf43s
#choir #recording #Parry #singing #choralmusic #classicalmusic
#choir #recording #parry #singing #choralmusic #classicalmusic
This is the first time I've seen Renaissance choral music performed with a highway backdrop including buses, cars, trains, cyclists, and pedestrians. And why not?
#earlymusic #choral #choralmusic
Snippets from our #Brighton #choir #concert on Saturday - Ready Singer One, look us up!
#nerds #singing #videoGameMusic #soundtracks #choralmusic
#brighton #choir #concert #nerds #singing #videogamemusic #soundtracks #choralmusic
One of our Ukranian friends sang Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий (The Wide Dnieper Roars and Groans) at a session recently. The lyrics describe a night storm on the river Dnipro by moonlight with woodpeckers drumming and ash trees creaking. The poem was written in 1837 and set to music in 1886. I was told the first printed editions were confiscated by Russian Imperial police (did I get that correct?). I think it's also the signature tune of Ukranian national radio. I enjoyed the sound of this casual male voice choir recording from youtube but if you have a different favourite then let me know in a comment.
#FolkMusic #FolkSong #Folk #WorldMusic #music #ChoralMusic #Choir #Ukraine #Ukraïna #Україна
#folkmusic #folksong #folk #worldmusic #Music #choralmusic #choir #ukraine #ukraina #Україна
I recently discovered Vaughan Williams' choral plea for peace, "Dona Nobis Pacem" with poetry by Walt Whitman. Considering the state of this world and the many active wars and frozen conflicts, it's a most timely piece.
Try to listen to it and turn it up for the brass parts!
#choir #peace #war #ChoralMusic #WaltWhitman #RalphVaughanWilliams
#choir #peace #war #choralmusic #WaltWhitman #ralphvaughanwilliams
In addition to my extensive ethnic music video playlists on my personal YouTube channel, I am also a fan of #choralmusic and have a playlist devoted to my favorite choirs and choral groups. I am definitely not religious in the traditional sense, I’m a Pythagorean by faith, but I recognize that composers past and present do some of their best work when inspired by their concept of the divine - so I overlook overt religious references in favor of the marvelous harmonies and compositional excellence. So if you’re a fan too, you may enjoy this playlist. #music #choir #choirs #choral #MusicVideo #playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0iiAuVrDAzHbYzqhpmjvJ-tfkan9Z8u_
#choralmusic #music #choir #choirs #choral #musicvideo #playlist
Our chairwoman, Deirdre Carroll, welcoming our lovely audience last night at our performance of Antonín Dvořák’s sublime Stabat Mater 🎶✨🎵
Photo courtesy of Enrica Ferrara 📸💕
#dlcs #dlcsdvorak #dvorak #dvořák #choir #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dlcs #dlcsdvorak #dvorak #choir #choral #choralmusic #dlr #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
JOIN US for a Romantic masterpiece that runs the full gamut of human emotion!
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Do. Dublin @ 7.30 PM
Tix: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS / door
Doors open @ 7.00 PM
Looking forward to seeing you there! 💕
#dvorakdlcs #DLCS #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #dunlaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #DunLaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #Monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
Monkstown Parish Church (C. of I. ), rising spectrally from heat and dust...
Buses: 7 and 7A (stop 3040 going out of town and stop 3073 going towards town)
DART: Salthill and Monkstown station
Parking: Pay and display on local roads
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dvorak #dvořák #choral #choralmusic #dunlaoghaire #monkstown #monkstownvillage #dlr #dublinevents
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dvorak #choral #choralmusic #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #monkstownvillage #dlr #dublinevents
A sneak peek at our rehearsal tonight with full orchestra and soloists! 🌙
I can't describe how soulful and downright gorgeous this music is. You just have to be there... ✨
Only two more sleeps...
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Co. Dublin
Saturday 20 May @ 7.30 PM
Tickets €20 / €15 @ tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS or on the door
#DLCS #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
Yippee! 🎻 ONLY 2 SLEEPS until we sing this lovely work with top-notch soloists and orchestral musicians ⭐️
Look out for Movement 6. Does it sound familiar?
Tickets €20 / €15 @ http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS or at the door on the night
Saturday 20 May : 7:30 PM : Church of Ireland : Monkstown : County Dublin (pictured)
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #DunLaoghaire #monkstown #monkstownvillage
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #monkstownvillage
If you've never heard this before...
You should hear it.
(Volume up.)
tag list:
#SoulfulSaturday, #Spiritual, #GospelMusic, #LiningHymn, #LiningOut, #ChoralMusic
but also:
#SoundMass, #StochasticMusic, #AvantGarde #Xenakis #Ligeti #WouldHaveLovedIt
#soulfulsaturday #spiritual #gospelmusic #lininghymn #liningout #choralmusic #soundmass #stochasticmusic #avantgarde #xenakis #ligeti #wouldhavelovedit
Rehearsing last night! Just over two weeks to go...
#dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlr #DLCS #dunlaoghairerathdown
#dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlr #dlcs #dunlaoghairerathdown
Monkstown Parish Church of Ireland looking rather tropical the other day! 🌞🌴
This is where we'll be singing Antonin Dvorak's divine Stabat Mater tomorrow fortnight, 20 May @ 7:30 PM.
Do join us. Tickets from Eventbrite.
#dvorakdlcs #DLCS #dublinevents #choralmusic #choral #dlr #dunlaoghairerathdown #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dublinevents #choralmusic #choral #dlr #dunlaoghairerathdown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
In just under 3 weeks we'll be singing one of the most sublime choral works ever written.
Be one of the few people in the world to experience Dvořák’s rarely performed Stabat Mater live!
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS
#choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dlr
Live from Gloucester Cathedral, about to experience the majesty of Thomas Tallis' Spem in alium. So excited to hear this masterpiece in person with my husband Tim Mountain. Thomas uses groundbreaking experimentation that challenged the norms. This piece uses 8 choirs and 40 different lines of music. Unusual as he wrote music for Catholic and Protestant churches. #music #Gloucester #ThomasTallis #SpemInAlium #GloucesterCathedral #ChoralMusic #ClassicalMusic #MusicExperience #LoveMusic #gig
#music #Gloucester #thomastallis #speminalium #gloucestercathedral #choralmusic #classicalmusic #musicexperience #LoveMusic #gig
Live from Gloucester Cathedral, about to experience the majesty of Thomas Tallis' Spem in alium. So excited to hear this masterpiece in person with my husband Tim Mountain. Thomas uses groundbreaking experimentation that challenged the norms. This piece uses 8 choirs and 40 different lines of music. Unusual as he wrote music for Catholic and Protestant churches.
#music #Gloucester
#ThomasTallis #SpemInAlium #GloucesterCathedral #ChoralMusic #ClassicalMusic #MusicExperience #LoveMusic #gig
#music #Gloucester #thomastallis #speminalium #gloucestercathedral #choralmusic #classicalmusic #musicexperience #LoveMusic #gig
Dithyramb (from Two Pagan Choruses) - a setting of Richard Wagner by Paul Corfield Godfrey.
Performed by Julian Boyce, Rosie Hay, Helen Greenaway, Simon Crosby Buttle & Jasey Hall.
Video Direction by Julian Boyce
#Wagner #richardwagner #choir #choral #choirmusic #choralmusic #composer #cantata #choralarts #choralsociety #britishmusic
#wagner #richardwagner #choir #choral #choirmusic #choralmusic #composer #cantata #choralarts #choralsociety #britishmusic