Terminada #ElElegido #ElElegidoNetflix #Chosen #ChosenNetflix
El final me ha dejado frío.
No conocía la novela gráfica porque de base #MarkMillar me da un bastante de cringe y no sigo su obra. Kick Ass estuvo bieeeen... sin más.
Por lo que he leído a posteriori El Elegido toma buena parte de los elementos de la novela gráfica, parte de la trilogía #AmericanJesus , para construir su relato en un ambiente completamente distinto.
Y es en la construcción de ese ambiente, un pueblo pequeño de México, con su idiosincrasia e historia, donde la serie se hace muy querida, tan interesante el contexto y sus personajes como la gran pregunta (¿Quién o qué es Jodie?).
Por eso me ha resultado tan decepcionante la respuesta. Es poco imaginativa, poco profunda. Casi adolescente.
Pensabas que era Cristo pero ¡No! Era el Anti Cristo. Jajá!
Había tantas posibilidades mucho más ambiguas. Mucho más interesantes. Mística, ciencia ficción clásica o de superhéroes...
Y es el final del tomo que adapta.
Así que creo que es una serie que podría haber mejorado la obra original pero se queda lastrada por su material de origen.
#elelegido #elelegidonetflix #chosen #chosennetflix #markmillar #americanjesus
THE CHOSEN – Filmreihe mit Br. Hans Leidenmühler
„The Chosen“ (Die Erwählten) ist eine Serien-Verfilmung über das Leben Jesu aus der Sicht der Menschen, die mit ihm unterwegs sind. In den Kurzfilmen (ca. 45 Minuten) erleben wir einen Jesus, der menschlich, warmherzig, humorvoll und einladend ist. So unwiderstehlich göttlich, dass man begreift, warum die Menschen alles liegen und stehen lassen, wenn er...
#Dolphins signing WR #Chosen #Anderson, the Broward product formerly known as Robbie Anderson #NFL https://t.co/ZJIk9jAMLW https://t.co/yRzjmwyZwl
#dolphins #chosen #anderson #nfl
#Dolphins signing WR #Chosen #Anderson, the Broward product formerly known as Robbie Anderson #NFL https://t.co/zrnQR9iaPt https://t.co/HC2STM1A1Z
#dolphins #chosen #anderson #nfl
#Dolphins signing WR #Chosen #Anderson, the Broward product formerly known as Robbie Anderson https://t.co/qgP9Q8LphF https://t.co/ueRe6jl1W6
The Chosen One trope - love it or hate it, and why? If you love it, faves? Writers, how have you used it or subverted it?
#Chosen One #Tropes #Discussion #SpeculativeFiction #Fantasy #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Discussion #Writers #Writer #WritersOfMastodon #Author #Authors #Writing #WritingTips #Bookstodon @Bookstodon #IAmWriting #Readers
#readers #iamwriting #bookstodon #writingtips #writing #authors #author #writersofmastodon #writer #writers #sciencefiction #scifi #fantasy #speculativefiction #discussion #tropes #chosen
"K-pop star Chaeyoung apologises for wearing swastika logo"
Its the second time Kpop management company decided to get attention by having their corporate formed band emulate far right psychopaths.
I wonder if the women in the band know that management is associating them with WW2 fascism including Japanese fascists who conquered Korea and set up forced "comfort women" sex camps for Japanese soldiers.
#Chōsen #ww2 #FascistOccupationOfKorea #kpop #swastica #kpop
#swastica #kpop #fascistoccupationofkorea #ww2 #chosen
BIG MO showcases his talent on EP Chosen, teaming up with Ye Ali, Nessly, and Pre Kai Ro #2023_01_28 #earmilk #natalie_patrick #hip_hop #rb #rap #big_mo #chosen
#2023_01_28 #earmilk #natalie_patrick #hip_hop #rb #rap #big_mo #chosen
Many Saviors
Why does the prophet Obediah say that on the Day of the Lord many saviors will come?
“Then saviors shall come from Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s” (Oba 1:21).
Why does Paul say that all of creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God?
“For the earnest expectation of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom 8:19).
In the scriptures we see that Noah was a savior to those who climbed aboard the ark; Moses was considered a savior for leading the Hebrews of bondage in Egypt.
Perhaps these saviors and sons who are coming are those who carry and reveal Jesus to others in order to set them free.
If you’d like to find out more, visit us at
Savior #Son #God #Reveal #Jesus #Christ #Heaven #Clean #Purify #Chosen #Holy #Light #Shine #Ox
#Ox #shine #light #holy #chosen #Purify #clean #heaven #christ #jesus #Reveal #god #Son
James 1:18 (NKJV)
Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
>The first fruits are the finest offerings to a #God and #King. Such are God's #elect, His #chosen, His #Israel: the #Church. We are sacred and holy, that is, "set aside" for Him.
#god #king #elect #chosen #israel #church
November 25, 1748
Isaac Watts, Hymnwriter, died.
The Godfather of English Hymnody wrote O God our Help in Ages Past & Joy to the World.
Isaac didn't just set #Scripture to song; he wrote original #Verse:
We are a #Garden walled around,
#Chosen and made peculiar ground;
A little spot enclosed by #Grace
Out of the world's wide #Wilderness.
Awake, O, heavenly #Wind! And come,
Blow on this garden of #Perfume;
#Spirit divine! descend and breathe
A gracious #Gale on Plants beneath.
#scripture #verse #garden #chosen #grace #wilderness #Wind #perfume #spirit #gale #FollowFriday
Finally finished the new #chaos #chosen for #SlavesToDarkness . The kit is very detailed and has a lot of options for many #individual #warriors.
It is also not the simplest Kit to build and has many parts!
#aos #ageofsigmar #warhammer #tabletomaxx #tabletop #wargaming #miniatures #miniaturewargaming
#chaos #chosen #slavestodarkness #individual #warriors #aos #ageofsigmar #warhammer #tabletomaxx #tabletop #wargaming #miniatures #miniaturewargaming
The Lord is Jealous for You
Did you know that the Lord is jealous for you?
“For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Co 11:2).
The Lord desires a pure and clean soul. He is jealous for your soul, that it would not fall into corruption. According to the Thayer Bible dictionary, the word corruption means “to lead away a Christian church from that state of knowledge and holiness in which it ought to abide.”
Our minds become corrupted when the church departs from a state of knowledge and holiness. Which means, in the positive sense, you can also purify your soul through knowledge and holiness (Col 3:10).
Learn more by visiting us at https://voh.church and click resources
#chosen #knowledge #Called #pure #thevoiceofhealing
Sunak wants to punish those who ‘vilify the UK’. That’s wrong – and he’s chosen the wrong target | Miqdaad Versi | The Guardian #sunak #wants #punish #those #vilify #thats #wrong #chosen #target #miqdaad #versi #guardian #3agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2NvbW1lbnRpc2ZyZWUvMjAyMi9hdWcvMDMvcmlzaGktc3VuYWstcHJldmVudC1zdHJhdGVneS1jb25zZXJ2YXRpdmUtbGVhZGVyc2hpcA==
#3agosto #guardian #versi #miqdaad #target #chosen #wrong #thats #vilify #Those #punish #wants #Sunak
#BIG_FAITH | The #Day of #Judgment - What Will It Be Like?
~God: "you must go to the place reserved for the those who #REJECT_ME. For many are Called, but #Few are #CHOSEN".~
This short scene is from an audio theater called "Rescued" by John Bevere.
Disclaimer: http://DavidVTV.com and/or its owners [http://Tastingtraffic.com]
#chosen #few #REJECT_ME #Judgement_day #TO_BE_CONTINUED #judgment #day #Big_Faith
LISTEN UP FOLKS! Don't be FOOLED don't let that #FAKE_EGO get in the WAY!
~Oh, I've #Chosen #My_Words #Carefully, Persian.
Disclaimer: http://DavidVTV.com and/or its owners [http://Tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. this is NOT an Endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
The Chosen One, tragedia sul set della serie Netflix: due attori morti #chosen #tragedia #serie #netflix @NetflixIT #attori #morti #21giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGFzY2ltbWlhcGVuc2EuY29tLzIwMjIvMDYvMjEvdGhlLWNob3Nlbi1vbmUtdHJhZ2VkaWEtc3VsLXNldC1kZWxsYS1zZXJpZS1uZXRmbGl4LWR1ZS1hdHRvcmktbW9ydGkv
#21giugno #morti #attori #netflix #serie #tragedia #chosen