天界処刑人 七福神 が合体! | 終末のワルキューレⅡ | Netflix Japan https://mag.moe/1514993/
#Addictive #anime #Barbarians/Gladiators #BattlingNemesis #brutal #ChosenOne #competition #exciting #Forceful #GameofDeath #Imaginative #MythicalCreatures #Netflix #RecordofRagnarok #recordofragnarokanime #RecordofRagnarokII #RecordofRagnarokNetflix #ror_anime #SavingtheDay #SuperPowers #survival #ToughCharacters #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #中村悠一 #田島章寛 #終末のワルキューレ
#addictive #anime #barbarians #battlingnemesis #brutal #chosenone #competition #exciting #forceful #gameofdeath #imaginative #mythicalcreatures #netflix #recordofragnarok #recordofragnarokanime #recordofragnarokii #recordofragnaroknetflix #ror_anime #savingtheday #superpowers #survival #toughcharacters #アニメ #ネットフリックス #ネトフリ #ネトフリアニメ #中村悠一 #田島章寛 #終末のワルキューレ
Religion makes you morally lazy & handicaps civilization. It allows humans to be the animals that they ACTUALLY are while pretending it's the way their #ChosenOne wants them to be.. as found in their 3,000 yo old bible! They never grow.. try to improve themselves!
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
"... the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself... so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God..." #ChosenOne! @GOP #MAGA
@realTuckFrumper Well, their #ChosenOne & his evil spawn can get away with all crimes...
#MAGA Mom gets really annoyed with me for calling her Sky Daddy's Jesus "Hey Zeus" - well, Zeus was just like her #ChosenOne - he fukked every woman in sight, too... https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/unshakeable-power-zeus-prime-mover-ancient-greek-deities-008806
Kinda got angry at my #MAGA Mom when she said Benjamin Franklin [a truly great man of science] was an "immoral womanizer." I said "And, your 'god,' - your very ungodly #ChosenOne - fukkks everything with a hole in it!"
@FoxNews Finally some good news about The Cult of Fundamentalist Pastors. All churches, all pastors need to shut down and walk away from these illusions and deceptions of being Good by being totally subservient to some male Ego interpretation of being Gods #ChosenOne! We swim in the one Ocean of God. we live & breathe God, We are God. No intermediaries necessary. PS God has no sex organs and has never been He.
The maniac @GOP #MAGA #Christofascists think their #ChosenOne is being crucified.
#maga #Christofascists #chosenone
"Chi ti ha detto che eri la Prescelta?" Chiese lo spirito. "Destinata a salvare il mondo?".
"Ehm..." Lei esitò. "Nessuno?"
"Eppure sei andata e l'hai fatto".
"Qualcuno doveva farlo!".
"Aspetta, sono io la Prescelta?".
"Hai scelto te stessa", disse lo spirito. "È incredibile!".
"Who told you that you were the Chosen One?" The spirit asked. "Fated to save the world?"
"Er..." She hesitated. "Nobody?"
"Yet you went and did it."
"Somebody had to!"
"Wait, am I the Chosen One?"
"You chose yourself." The spirit said. "That's amazing!"
#Prescelta #ChosenOne #Freedom #Se_Non_Credi_In_Te_Stessa_Chi_Lo_Farà? #IF_you_Do_Not_Belive_In_YourselfWho_Will_Do_It? #Libertà
#Prescelta #chosenone #freedom #Se_Non_Credi_In_Te_Stessa_Chi_Lo_Farà #IF_you_Do_Not_Belive_In_YourselfWho_Will_Do_It #libertà
"Chi ti ha detto che eri la Prescelta?" chiese lo spirito. "Destinata a salvare il mondo?".
"Ehm..." Lei esitò. "Nessuno?"
"Eppure sei andata e l'hai fatto".
"Qualcuno doveva farlo!".
"Aspetta, sono io la Prescelta?".
"Hai scelto te stessa", disse lo spirito. "È incredibile!".
"Who told you that you were the Chosen One?" the spirit asked. "Fated to save the world?"
"Er..." She hesitated. "Nobody?"
"Yet you went and did it."
"Somebody had to!"
"Wait, am I the fated one?"
"You chose yourself," the spirit said. "That's amazing!"
#Prescelta #ChosenOne #Freedom #Se_Non_Credi_In_Te_Stessa_Chi_Lo_Farà? #IF_you_Do_Not_Belive_In_YourselfWho_Will_Do_It? #Libertà
#Prescelta #chosenone #freedom #Se_Non_Credi_In_Te_Stessa_Chi_Lo_Farà #IF_you_Do_Not_Belive_In_YourselfWho_Will_Do_It #libertà
The BEST way to destroy @GOP #MAGA #KKK is to destroy the "Christianity" they rode in on... it's their ONLY real power over their moron minions!
#AntiChrist #FatJesus #ChosenOne
#EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
#maga #kkk #antichrist #fatjesus #chosenone #epluribusunum
Do you like the fusion of fantasy and sci-fi? 41 days to release! Get your preorder goodies locked in! •Two character 🖼️art prints
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Do you like the fusion of fantasy and sci-fi? 41 days to release! Get your preorder goodies locked in! •Two character 🖼️art prints
•🗺️Map of Etherea
•✍️Signed bookplate by both of us! Http://EthereaCycle.com What’s TOTI?
🔥multi pov
🏳️🌈queer MCs
🚀🪄 Sci-fi AND fantasy
📡lost technology
🎶 musical magic
🦉 animal companions
🏔 Epic journey #sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
#sciencefantasy #lgbtqreads #epicfantasy #totibook #ace #mlm #bisexual #multiplepov #chosenone #reluctanthero #scifi #bookish
Seriously, the @GOP spent the last 60 years orchestrating the downfall of America... to hand it all over to Putin, but... major failure there... and especially in choosing Trump as #ChosenOne in 2016. This completely exposed Republican TREASON!
"Lawyer Compares Trump to Jesus Christ" #ChosenOne
Bwahaha!!! 🤣🤣 @GOP-#MAGA Confederate Cult of #CuzzinFukkers! Praying at the #FirstChurchOfMAGAtry!
#chosenone #maga #cuzzinfukkers #firstchurchofmagatry
Cuz #DonnyDollhands Orange #ChosenOne has LOST HIS FUCKING MIND!! If he ever had one...
Well.. @GOP-#MAGA never thinks anything thru.. cuz, their "Sky Daddy" thinks for them!
They're #PIRM or #PoorIgnorantRepublicanMorons
#ChosenOne #MAGAMoron #ChristoFascism #Dominionism
#maga #pirm #poorignorantrepublicanmorons #chosenone #magamoron #Christofascism #dominionism
@rabbijill Well.. @GOP-#MAGA never thinks anything thru.. cuz, their "Sky Daddy" thinks for them!
Abbott's Texans are #PIRM or #PoorIgnorantRepublicanMorons
#maga #pirm #poorignorantrepublicanmorons #chosenone #magamoron #Christofascism #dominionism
@Style17strings Well.. @GOP-#MAGA never thinks anything thru.. cuz, their "Sky Daddy" thinks for them!
Abbott's Texans are #PIRM or #PoorIgnorantRepublicanMorons
#maga #pirm #poorignorantrepublicanmorons #chosenone #magamoron #Christofascism #dominionism
The @GOP is done with Trump, anyway... they got their #IllegitimateSCOTUS & that was their only goal with #ChosenOne.
Now #MoscowMitch & his #FederalistSociety cronies can pick & choose what laws to follow!
#ExpandSCOTUS or America will cease to exist!
#illegitimatescotus #chosenone #moscowmitch #federalistsociety #expandscotus