Logion 43 closes the set of dialogue, with the disciples inquiring after the nature of IS, who lashes out: "You are identical to those damn Judeans who worship their god in words yet not in deeds, and fail to see the forest through the trees of what their own deeds in actuality are comprised of"
#GospelOfThomas #Commentary #Academic #Summary #Non-duality #Buddhism #Christianity #Chrestianity #Salvation #Mystery #Ego #Self #Jung #Tao #Zen #NagHammadi #Coptic #Egypt #Wisdom #Philology #Psychology
#psychology #philology #wisdom #Egypt #Coptic #naghammadi #zen #tao #Jung #self #ego #mystery #salvation #chrestianity #christianity #buddhism #non #summary #academic #commentary #gospelofthomas
and IS lashes out at Thomas in logion 13 when he calls him master / writer: we all write our own script, we are slaves to no one
We must be fearless, shameless, lawless - our own master and nobody else's
#GospelOfThomas #Commentary #Academic #Summary #Non-duality #Buddhism #Christianity #Chrestianity #Salvation #Mystery #Ego #Self #Jung #Tao #Zen #NagHammadi #Coptic #Egypt #Wisdom #Philology #Psychology #Translation #Interpretation
#interpretation #translation #psychology #philology #wisdom #Egypt #Coptic #naghammadi #zen #tao #Jung #self #ego #mystery #salvation #chrestianity #christianity #buddhism #non #summary #academic #commentary #gospelofthomas
Over 100 participants in the #OpenAcces #Discussion on Philip, who narrates about #Chrestians becoming #Christians, and even #Christ
Tacitus, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Suetonius, Codex Sinaiticus, Bezae, Vaticanus: hundreds of MSS and sources attest to the fact that #Chrestianity existed - prior to #Christianity
And while none of them mention Christ, dozens mention #Chrestmas
I welcome those who are interested:
#chrestmas #christianity #chrestianity #christ #christians #chrestians #discussion #openacces
Before #Christianity there was #Chrestianity - the #openaccess Discussion on my paper has started
A warm welcome to all who have joined so far, and those who want to participate
#academia #openaccess #chrestianity #christianity
From Chrestian to Christian - Philip beyond the grave
#naghammadi #earlychristianity #chrestianity