Gizmodo: Wolverine Celebrates Turning 50 with a Chris Claremont Miniseries #natasharomanoff #chrisclaremont #edgarsalazar #uncannyxmen #steverogers #hughjackman #wolverine #madripoor #jimlee #logan #xmen #x23
#natasharomanoff #chrisclaremont #edgarsalazar #uncannyxmen #steverogers #hughjackman #wolverine #madripoor #jimlee #logan #xmen #x23
Gizmodo: The Wolverine Was the Reliable Soldier Fox's X-Men Needed #entertainmentculture #xmenoriginswolverine #svetlanakhodchenkova #20thcenturyfoxfilms #missionimpossible2 #chrisclaremont #hiroyukisanada #jamesmangold #dougrayscott #oldmanlogan #frankmiller #hughjackman #wolverine #jones #daken #yukio #logan #xmen #fox
#entertainmentculture #xmenoriginswolverine #svetlanakhodchenkova #20thcenturyfoxfilms #missionimpossible2 #chrisclaremont #hiroyukisanada #jamesmangold #dougrayscott #oldmanlogan #frankmiller #hughjackman #wolverine #jones #daken #yukio #logan #xmen #fox
@webcomictalk I'm naturally gregarious so I enjoy writing conversations.
I remember when I was *very* young, a rejection from #DCComics asked me in so many words, "who do you think you are, #ChrisClaremont?" it was meant as an insult for my wordy style.
But I'm proud of how I storytell.
Lobezno: Honor (Chris Claremont & Frank Miller, 1982)
#wolverine #lobezno #honor #chrisclaremont #frankmiller #marvel
#wolverine #lobezno #honor #chrisclaremont #frankmiller #marvel
X-Men: Dios Ama, el Hombre Mata | God Loves, Man Kills (Chris Claremont & Brent Eric Anderson, 1983)
#diosamaelhombremata #godlovesmankills #xmen #chrisclaremont #brentericanderson #marvel
#diosamaelhombremata #godlovesmankills #xmen #chrisclaremont #brentericanderson #marvel
@ununseptimus I’m not sure #ChrisClaremont ever used the word “neoplasm” in regards to the X-Babies, unless there was a recent standalone story I somehow missed.
Random Comic Cover of the Day
#xmen #uncannyxmen #kittypryde #bamf #chrisclaremont #davecockrum #Marvel #MarvelComics
#xmen #uncannyxmen #kittypryde #BAMF #chrisclaremont #davecockrum #marvel #MarvelComics
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front and center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
#jimlee #xmen #chrisclaremont #toys #marvellegends
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front an center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
#jimlee #xmen #chrisclaremont #toys #marvellegends
I absolutely LOVE these #JimLee inspired #XMen action figure designs!!! I don't collect, but if I did, this would be front an center. #ChrisClaremont is the architect of my comic book love. ❤️
#7Books, even if there are so many more, close to my heart...
1. Das Foucaultsche Pendel by #UmbertoEco
2. The Eight by #KatherineNeville
3. Neverwhere by #NeilGaiman
4. Hearts Blood by #JulietMarillier
5. Shadow war trilogy by #GeorgeLucas and #ChrisClaremont
6. Soulless by #GailCarriger
7. Shades of grey by #JasperFforde
#7books #umbertoeco #katherineneville #neilgaiman #julietmarillier #georgelucas #chrisclaremont #gailcarriger #JasperFforde #bookstodon #fiction
X-Men: Dios Ama, el Hombre Mata | God Loves, Man Kills (Chris Claremont & Brent Eric Anderson, 1983)
#diosamaelhombremata #godlovesmankills #xmen #chrisclaremont #brentericanderson #marvel
#diosamaelhombremata #godlovesmankills #xmen #chrisclaremont #brentericanderson #marvel
Lobezno: Honor (Chris Claremont & Frank Miller, 1982)
#wolverine #lobezno #honor #chrisclaremont #frankmiller #marvel
#wolverine #lobezno #honor #chrisclaremont #frankmiller #marvel
The X-Men fight for Lilandra! Rogue fights for the Savage Land! And Magneto fights for himself!
Don't miss this special double-sized issue in this week's UNCANNY X-CERPTS!
#xmen #comics #90scomics #jimlee #chrisclaremont #wolverine
Lobezno: Honor (Chris Claremont & Frank Miller, 1982)
#wolverine #lobezno #honor #chrisclaremont #frankmiller #marvel
#Wolverine #lobezno #Honor #chrisclaremont #FrankMiller #marvel