Another DVD to add to my growing collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows.
Another DVD to add to my collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows along with a copy of the book the film is based on. #ChrisMeloni #BriefInterviews #BriefInterviewsWithHideousMen #DavidFosterWallace
#chrismeloni #briefinterviews #briefinterviewswithhideousmen #davidfosterwallace
Today's poll: Who is the hottest celebrity Chris? Feel free to add more Chrises in the comments - the poll only allows for 4 options 😉
#chrisevans #chrispine #chrishemsworth #chrismeloni
#chrisevans #chrispine #chrishemsworth #chrismeloni
Another two dvds to add to my growing collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows. #NationalLampoonsDirtyMovie also with #DianeNeal and #NightsInRodanthe
#chrismeloni #nationallampoonsdirtymovie #dianeneal #nightsinrodanthe
Another DVD to add to my growing collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows. #ManOfSteel
Another DVD to add to my growing collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows. #MurderInGreenwich
#chrismeloni #murderingreenwich
Some recent additions to my growing collection of #ChrisMeloni films and TV shows. #Snatched #GreenLantern #TheDiaryOfATeenageGirl #SincityADameToKillFor
#chrismeloni #snatched #greenlantern #thediaryofateenagegirl #sincityadametokillfor
I'm thoroughly confused by change but just putting it out there in case it works... #svu #oc #chrismeloni
Something to brighten up your timeline 😘
#SVU #OC #MariskaHargitay #ChrisMeloni #funtimes
#funtimes #chrismeloni #mariskahargitay #oc #SVU
I am looking forward to finding more of my fellow #SVU stans on this platform. I also love LawAndOrder #OC, #StrangerThings, #OUAT, anything Kate Mulgrew is in, and of course #MariskaHargitay and #ChrisMeloni!
#chrismeloni #mariskahargitay #ouat #strangerthings #oc #SVU