@strypey @NZedAUS I'm one of those #ChristchurchCall folks - I'm on the Advisory Network, which is the international civil society group. I'm representing the Wellington Abrahamic Council of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, alongside ICANN, Institute for Strategic Dialog, Dangerous Speech project, Article18, Inclusive Aotearoa, academics, et al - a very broad group.
The main issue from my point of view is power asymmetry - the governments and platforms have a lot more than civil society.
"the Christchurch Call to Action... [is] united by our shared objective to eliminate terrorist and other violent extremist content online and uphold the principle of a free, open and secure internet"
#JacindaArdern, 2023
Glad to see that second objective is in there. Haven't seen much sign of action on it from the #ChristchurchCall folks though.
#jacindaardern #christchurchcall #TechRegulation
in the wake of the New Zealand mosque massacre, the tech industry & many digital rights organizations managed to suppress/defang the #ChristchurchCall to end radicalization on #socialmedia while pretending to support it.
Now, "almost exactly four years after one of the deadliest neo-Nazi attacks in the modern age occurred, content celebrating the heinous crime can still be easily found on #TikTok." among other places.
#christchurchcall #socialmedia #tiktok
> government would rather take over Twitter than push decentralization
Indeed. The Christchurch Call was all about collaboration on moderation between states and centralized, corporate—owned platforms, and didn't address any of the structural issues discussed in the piece @navegante quoted. But the change of ownership at Titter has revealed the fatal weakness of that approach; dependence on platform owners playing ball with it.
I changed my twitter handle before leaving then requested my data. Something very satisfying with getting twitter to send an email addressed to "I left in protest. #ChristchurchCall"
@evacide A number of the big platforms have endorsed the Santa Clara principles. Is there any place that compliance with the principles is reported? Anecdotally, it seems patch at best. #ChristchurchCall
The entire Twitter team the New Zealand government was planning to work with to make algorithms more transparent has disappeared. Musk's takeover has major repercussions for the #ChristchurchCall project,
The entire team the New Zealand government was planning to work with disappeared.
The entire Twitter team the New Zealand government was planning to work with to make algorithms more transparent has disappeared. Musk's takeover has major repercussions for the #ChristchurchCall project, by @mluczak https://theconversation.com/elon-musks-twitter-takeover-has-disrupted-the-christchurch-call-nz-needs-to-rethink-its-digital-strategy-195213
I'm on th #ChristchurchCall Advisory Network. I've repeatedly said to the big platforms that the right to have a human review decisions to block or unblock content should be mandatory. Oh, we can't do that, they said, it would be too expensive. And yet - here on Mastodon it's more or less baked in.
The real issue for the big platforms isn't freedom of expression vs safety, it's both freedom of expression and safety (and everything else) vs profits.
"If the public, which was so comprehensively misled by the SIS in this fashion in its public utterances for the past decade is to have its trust in the security services restored, it needs something more than the say/so of the Royal Commission that all is now ship-shape and in tip top working order down at SIS HQ. The documentation of what the SIS was asked, and what the SIS said in reply should be released."
#christchurchshootings #christchurchcall #nzpolitics
"...When the Internet was built, when we all worked on this platform, it was supposed to be open and a general force for good. We were going to promote knowledge sharing, create connections and unite humanity.
Multinational internet monopolies are terrified about one country setting an example and doing the “right thing”. They worry about the domino effect. ..."
#christchurchcall #internet #technology
#christchurchcall #internet #technology
Been reading about the #ChristchurchCall but I think something important is being missed.
#Facebook haven't as yet taken any action which would prevent this from happening again tomorrow. The 'one strike' is pointless if the atrocity has already taken place.
Live streaming itself isn't justified in 99.9% of cases. We don't need to stream things live so why are we?
Why isn't anyone saying to stop live streaming? Who would even complain?
#christchurchcall #facebook #surveillancecapitalism