Christian nationalism’s opponents are getting organized -
#christofascism #christianaid #FaithLeaders #activism #religiousfreedom #poorpeoplescampaign
#ChristoFascism #christianaid #faithleaders #activism #religiousfreedom #poorpeoplescampaign
Extracts from the #sermon by the #Moderator of the General Assembly of the #ChurchOfScotland at today's service in #StGiles in #Edinburgh. Sally Foster-Fulton was born in #SouthCarolina in the #US; she's currently the head of #ChristianAid in #Scotland, a charity which fights global #poverty. I worked with Sally when she was convenor of the former Church and Society Council
#KingCharlesIII #poverty #scotland #christianaid #us #southcarolina #edinburgh #stgiles #ChurchofScotland #moderator #sermon
Lord we worship you because you are the God of miracles. We give thanks for those amazing miracles that you perform every day and which we take for granted. We thank you for the miracle of each breath that we take; the miraculous beauty of the flowers and animals around us; and for the miracle of love and peace.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #christianaid
#ChristianAid on the #humanitarian and #peacemaking work of #church bodies in #SouthSudan- a country in crisis, affected by the #UK government's overseas #aid cuts
#aid #uk #southsudan #church #peacemaking #humanitarian #christianaid
Loving Jesus, thank you for your commitment to healing and compassion, even when the work was dangerous for you to do. Give inspiration and courage to those who serve in unsettled environments today, and surround them – all those who they serve – with your protection and peace. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
God of all generations, thank you that you have always been part of my family’s story, whether or not you were known. Help me to find my identity as your child, beloved and belonging. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
"The report by Christian Aid found that the 10 most expensive events in terms of insured losses ranged in cost from $3bn to $100bn, although the figures are only estimates, so the true expense could be much higher."
"Here are the 10 most costly disasters of the year"
#ChristianAid #Climate #ClimateChange
#ClimateChange #Climate #christianaid
Jesus, you were born as a baby and grew as a child, dependent on those who cared for you. Help me to share your humility, even as I stand for truth and justice. Teach me to stay open, honest and curious, loving even my neighbour who disagrees with me. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
@Fisher_DanaR thank you I was looking for this report
#climateeconomics #christianaid #climatecost
#AdventReading #ClimateChange #SleepersWake
Today’s theme is #ClimateJustice, considering the imbalance between rich and poor: the rich polluting & ravaging the planet whilst the poor pay the price & struggle to survive in their wake.
Thank God for organisations like #ChristianAid, #TearFund & #CAFOD, to name but some, who highlight this issue. What we have now is gross climate injustice: how we need to turn things around!
Want to explore further?
#cafod #tearfund #christianaid #climatejustice #sleeperswake #climatechange #AdventReading
Thank you, God, for the intrinsic value and worth you give to all without exception. Give me courage to acknowledge the ways in which I benefit from unjust systems, and to repent of the ways in which I’ve upheld them. Help me now to be part of the tearing down of inequalities. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #christianaid
Thank you, God of life, for your endless patience with me. Thank you for the years you’ve already given me, and every moment that I still have ahead. Help me to make the most of each day, and to find time for that which brings about justice and peace. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
Gentle God, meet me in my tiredness and minister to me here. Help me resist the pressure to produce more, achieve more, and have more to show off to the world. Instead, simply grow in me deeper love for you and for others. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
Thank you, God, that you know my heart, and have compassion for me in all my wanderings. When I am distracted by the cares of status and success, remind me of what truly matters. Help me today to walk in the way of love and justice. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #dailyreading #christianaid
God of the ages, give us the breadth of mind and spirit to recognise holiness in the most unlikely areas of ourselves and the most marginalised parts of the world. Amen.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #christianaid
Gracious God, give us wisdom to perceive you, intelligence to understand you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate upon you, and a life to proclaim you, through the power of the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
#catholicmastodon #christianaid
Gracious God, may our faith be alive, may our prayer be real and may our lives mirror your perfect love and relationship, in whose image we are made.
#catholicmastodon #christianaid
Loving God, who in Jesus shows us what love is, help us not to lose sight of this love. Give us the courage to live it out so that our faith may be seen in all that we do and our belief may be a way of life.
#CatholicMastodon #DailyReading #ChristianAid
#catholicmastodon #dailyreading #christianaid