// #ChristianeAmanpour, #WhitneyPenningtonRodgers : The fight for freedom in #Iran and #Ukraine : https://www.ted.com/talks/christiane_amanpour_the_fight_for_freedom_in_iran_and_ukraine?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #ukraine #iran #whitneypenningtonrodgers #christianeamanpour
// #ChristianeAmanpour, #WhitneyPenningtonRodgers : The fight for freedom in #Iran and #Ukraine : https://www.ted.com/talks/christiane_amanpour_the_fight_for_freedom_in_iran_and_ukraine?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #ukraine #iran #whitneypenningtonrodgers #christianeamanpour
// #ChristianeAmanpour, #WhitneyPenningtonRodgers : The fight for freedom in #Iran and #Ukraine : https://www.ted.com/talks/christiane_amanpour_the_fight_for_freedom_in_iran_and_ukraine?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #ukraine #iran #whitneypenningtonrodgers #christianeamanpour
// #ChristianeAmanpour, #WhitneyPenningtonRodgers : The fight for freedom in #Iran and #Ukraine : https://www.ted.com/talks/christiane_amanpour_the_fight_for_freedom_in_iran_and_ukraine?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #ukraine #iran #whitneypenningtonrodgers #christianeamanpour
// #ChristianeAmanpour, #WhitneyPenningtonRodgers : The fight for freedom in #Iran and #Ukraine : https://www.ted.com/talks/christiane_amanpour_the_fight_for_freedom_in_iran_and_ukraine?utm_source=rn-app-share&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tedspread
#tedtalks #ted #repost #ukraine #iran #whitneypenningtonrodgers #christianeamanpour
Hunter at Daily Kos thinks if CNN were smart, it would fire Chris Licht and put Christiane Amanpour in charge.
But CNN's top men are not smart. They're mediocre, over-privileged, all about image and money — not journalism or responsibility to help keep democracy alive.
#cnn #chrislicht #christianeamanpour #mediafail
Yet again pleased and proud to have named my first-born after this woman. (And I bet she'd be proud of her namesake, who receives her Masters in Social Work tomorrow. Yay, Christy!)
Sorry for the digression: Back to the real news...
#ChristianeAmanpour Just Put #CNN On Notice
Christiane Amanpour Slams CNN Donald Trump Town Hall: ‘I Would Have Dropped the Mic at ‘Nasty Person”
#VarietyNews #CNNTrumpTownHall #ChristianeAmanpour #DonaldTrump #MicDrop #NastyPerson #Politics #News
#varietynews #cnntrumptownhall #christianeamanpour #donaldtrump #micdrop #nastyperson #politics #news
I've always admired Christiane Amanpour
«It has been one week since #CNN's town hall with #DonaldTrump — and the fierce fallout stemming from the event is still reverberating.
While accepting the prestigious #ColumbiaJournalismAward and serving as the school's 2023 commencement speaker, #ChristianeAmanpour on Wednesday became the first network anchor to publicly voice dissent with management over the #TownHall, which has spawned a storm of fierce backlash.»
#cnn #donaldtrump #columbiajournalismaward #christianeamanpour #townhall
This year had plenty of TED talks that inspired me and taught me about new and valuable technologies and ideas. Here are the 10 that I believe are the most important. My goal in 2023 is to give a talk of my own in front of a TED audience!
#ted #tedtalks #technology #criticalthinking #kevinkelly #future #optimism #yuvannoahharari #ukraine #ukrainewar #wikipedia #truth #medialiteracy #billgates #covid19 #pandemicprevention #dianaadams #lgbtq #christianeamanpour #iran #freedom #emissions #ai
#ai #emissions #freedom #iran #christianeamanpour #lgbtq #dianaadams #pandemicprevention #COVID19 #billgates #medialiteracy #truth #wikipedia #UkraineWar #Ukraine #yuvannoahharari #optimism #future #kevinkelly #criticalthinking #technology #tedtalks #ted