The marketing language that dominates descriptions of human interaction in a capitalist economy obscures a much deeper understanding of the gift character of all that is, and our familial relationship to all of life and especially to each other.
-Marilyn Chandler McEntyre, "Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies"
#Politics #Culture #Capitalism #Literature #Poetry #Christianity #Theology #ChristianHumanism
#christianhumanism #theology #christianity #Poetry #literature #Capitalism #Culture #Politics
Christians cannot claim to love Christ and be careless with words any more than we can claim to love God and hate our neighbor.
#christianhumanism #theology #christianity
Yesterday, a podcast helped me connect a ton of dots in my life: my interest in #Music, #SacramentalTheology, #ChristianHumanism, #RowanWilliams, #Phenomenology, #LocalFood, #SlowFriendship, #LectioDivina, and Iain McGilchrist's work on the Divided Brain.
Common thread runs through it all.
#lectiodivina #slowfriendship #localfood #phenomenology #RowanWilliams #christianhumanism #sacramentaltheology #Music