I haven't kept up with the League of the South -- I had the impression that they were pretty well hamstrung after the Sines verdict, but what do I know?
Well, I do know that CSPOA has always had a pretty major tendency toward Southern nationalism and Christian Identity, so it only makes sense that new leader Sam Bushman would do a radio show from LotS's "Dixie Fest" in South Carolina in July. It apparently went about as you would expect...
"Bushman’s broadcast highlighted the ongoing relationship between the CSPOA leader and the League of the South. It also highlighted some of the reasons for this coalition –including an embrace of southern nationalism and the Confederacy, a full-throated defense of Confederate monuments, the repetition of ideas once mustered to defend Jim Crow segregation, and, disturbingly, the promotion of the virulently racist and antisemitic Christian Identity pseudo-theology."
#dixiefest #leagueofthesouth #lots #cspoa #bushman #neoconfederacy #southernnationalism #christianidentity
#dixiefest #LeagueOfTheSouth #lots #CSPOA #bushman #neoconfederacy #southernnationalism #christianidentity
This pub from Center on Terrorism, Extremism, & Counterterrorism at Middlebury Institute of International studies at Monterey says #ChristianIdentity can “work as a force for mobilizing to violence among far-right networks” & highlights the movement’s influence on #Timothy McVeigh in his 1995 bombing of the the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in #OklahomaCity.
#christianidentity #Timothy #oklahomacity
Looking for more info on this ruling requiring #ChristianIdentity to be recognized as a #religion by the #Michigan Department of Corrections.
This screenshot is from Bloomberg Law. I’m only able to read about another half paragraph beyond this, and then it goes behind a pay wall.
I would like to know the case name, as well as read/listen to any analysis about the implications of this ruling if available.
#christianidentity #religion #michigan
Just wrote this.
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#DomesticTerrorism #whitesupremacy #whitepower #ChristianNationalism #ReligiousTerrorism #christofascism
#Terrorism #ChristianIdentity
#domesticterrorism #whitesupremacy #whitepower #christiannationalism #religiousterrorism #Christofascism #terrorism #christianidentity
Who are imposter Jews? Over the past two centuries, many non-Jewish people have incorrectly identified as Jews. Many try to pass themselves off as Jewish in the larger community. This is far larger, and more dangerous phenomenon that most people realize. We examine this issue here -
#Jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewish #Judaism #Jews
#fakejews #imposterjews #BHI #Christianidentity
#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #fakejews #imposterjews #bhi #christianidentity
@cadenza @mazeldon
Pamela, that is not correct. The Jews-as-Khazar theory has been thoroughly debunked by all mainstream historians. The only groups still pushing it today are violently antisemitic groups like the Christian Identity movement and the Black Hebrew Israelite (BHI) movement.
#Jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewish #Judaism #Jews
#fakejews #imposterjews #BHI #blackhebrewisraelites #Christianidentity #history #Khazars
#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #fakejews #imposterjews #bhi #blackhebrewisraelites #christianidentity #history #khazars
My partner #OSINT Ninja @Gal_suburban found this website that brings several extremely dangerous movements together. This is literally #AmericanISIS.
This group’s explicit purpose is to overthrow the government of the United States.
#QAnon #NAR #ChristianIdentity
#christianidentity #nar #qanon #americanisis #osint
Lost Tribes Of Israel Found, part 3
Who are the lost tribes of Israel today and why it's important. #christianidentity #bibletruths
#bibletruths #christianidentity