I asked the AI chatGPT to write a #GregorianChant about #SaintLucy #SantaLucia and this is what it came up with:
Sancta Lucia, virgo martyr,
Lux et splendor mundi,
Tu lucem mentibus infudisti,
Et tenebras pellisti.
Ora pro nobis, sancta Lucia,
Ut in tenebris lucem videamus,
Et a mortis periculo liberati,
In caelis cum Christo regnemus.
Gloria Patri, et Filio,
Et Spiritui Sancto,
Sicut erat in principio,
Et nunc, et semper,
Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Saint Lucy, virgin martyr,
Light and splendor of the world,
You infused light into our minds,
And chased away the darkness.
Pray for us, Saint Lucy,
That in the darkness we may see the light,
And, freed from the danger of death,
We may reign with Christ in heaven.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning,
And now, and always,
And for ages of ages. Amen.
#Christianity #ChristianSaints #ChristianWomen I think this AI chat mostly is not great tbh but I thought this request turned out pretty good!
#GregorianChant #saintlucy #santalucia #christianity #christiansaints #christianwomen
“Wouldst thou learn thy Lord's meaning in this thing? Learn it well: Love was his meaning. Who showed it thee? Love. What showed he thee? Love. Wherefore showed it he? For Love. Hold thou therein and thou shalt learn and know more in the same. But thou shalt never know nor learn therein other thing without end…Then said our good Lord Jesus Christ: Art thou well pleased that I suffered for thee? I said: Yea, good Lord, I thank thee: Yea, good Lord, blessed mayst thou be. Then said Jesus, our kind Lord: If thou art pleased, I am pleased: it is a joy, a bliss, an endless satisfying to me that ever I suffered Passion for thee; and if I might suffer more, I would suffer more”
—- saint Julian of Norwich
who is venerated in the #EasternOrthodox , #RomanCatholic and #Anglican Church #Christianity #ChristianSaints #JulianOfNorwich #ChristianWomen
I read this quote this morning while the sun was rising for the day and wanted to share it with all of you too ❤️
#EasternOrthodox #romancatholic #anglican #christianity #christiansaints #julianofnorwich #christianwomen
A Man Attacked for his Black Santa Display Decides to Become a Black Santa Himself | https://www.theroot.com/a-man-attacked-for-his-black-santa-display-decides-to-b-1849826740 #christmasinthepostwarunitedstates #christianfolklore #christiansaints #chriskennedy #socialissues #santaclaus #christmas #santacamp #religion #emily #claus
#christmasinthepostwarunitedstates #christianfolklore #christiansaints #chriskennedy #socialissues #santaclaus #christmas #santacamp #religion #emily #claus