Ron DeSantis blames Donald Trump for making trans issues ‘mainstream’
#RonDesantis #DonaldTrump #transissues #mainstream #ChristinaPushaw #PinkNews #Politics #News
#rondesantis #donaldtrump #transissues #mainstream #christinapushaw #pinknews #politics #news
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Is Now Openly Feuding With 2 of His Former White Women Accomplices #Jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #sarahhuckabeesanders #floridarepublicans #christinapushaw #kellyanneconway #kayleighmcenany #businesspeople #sarahsanders #socialissues #unitedstates #donaldtrump #rondesantis #jennaellis #hopehicks #ivanka #pushaw
#jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #sarahhuckabeesanders #floridarepublicans #christinapushaw #kellyanneconway #kayleighmcenany #businesspeople #sarahsanders #socialissues #unitedstates #donaldtrump #rondesantis #jennaellis #hopehicks #ivanka #pushaw
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: DeSantis Aide Christina Pushaw Spars with 16-Year-Old Trump Supporter Over Botox, Ukraine #Jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #christinapushaw #businesspeople #michelleobama #donaldtrump #politicians #rondesantis #gavinnewsom #hitler #trump #josh
#jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #christinapushaw #businesspeople #michelleobama #donaldtrump #politicians #rondesantis #gavinnewsom #hitler #trump #josh
I was interested in the question "Who trained #ChristinaPushaw ?" very much recently.
Maybe this is part of the answer?
Obviously, Misha has enemies. Was EVERYTHING in the McCain Ukraine/Georgia universe captured by Putin double agents as early as 2003? One wonders.
Shortly after Justin wrote that piece, someone within the Koch machine, the Johns Hopkins academic world, the remnants of McCain's "Republican Institute" (the team used and corrupted by spy Kilimnik)... somehow, they helped #ChristinaPushaw connect with Saak.
Now, in 2022, Pushaw's politics are squarely aligned with the original Putinite right that demonized Saak specifically! This makes no sense. Was Saak always a double agent? This is truly an Escher staircase. 2/2