Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc, l. #History #ChristinedePizan #HenryVIofEngland #HundredYears'War
#hundredyears #henryviofengland #christinedepizan #History
Do not let the bread of the hungry mildew in your larder! Do not let moths eat the poor man's cloak. Do not store the shoes of the barefoot. Do not hoard the money of the needy. Things you possess in too great abundance belong to the poor and not to you. You are the thief who steals from God if you are able to help your neighbor and refuse to do it.
-- Christine de Pizan (1364-1430 CE)
#quotes #christinedepizan #charity #wealth #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Once a man criticized my desire for knowledge by saying that it was not fitting for a woman to possess learning because there was so little of it. I replied that it was even less fitting for a man to possess ignorance because there was so much of it.
-- Christine de Pizan (1364-1430 CE)
⬆ #Quotes #ChristinedePizan #Chauvinism #Feminism #Knowledge
#quotes #christinedepizan #chauvinism #feminism #knowledge #photography #panorama #panopainting #graffiti
Christine de Pizan (also given as Christine de Pisan, l. #History #ChristinedePizan #MedievalLiterature
#medievalliterature #christinedepizan #History
Zum Thema passend, die Geschichte von #ChristineDePizan - eine #Feministin im #Mittelalter :
#christinedepizan #feministin #Mittelalter
Christine de Pizan (also given as Christine de Pisan, l. #History #ChristinedePizan #MedievalLiterature
#medievalliterature #christinedepizan #History
I think I've already discovered what'll be the book of 2023.
Sarah Bakewell's 'Humanly Possible: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking, Inquiry, and Hope'. It'll be published late March (2023).
Sarah is my favourite living author. Her books on Michel de Montaigne and existentialism are some of my most highly treasured books. They've made me grow as a person.
Read more about the new book here:
#SarahBakewell #humanism #philosophy #book #reading #MichelDeMontaigne #existentialism #ChristineDePizan #BertrandRussell #ZolaNealeHurston #Voltaire
#SarahBakewell #humanism #philosophy #book #reading #micheldemontaigne #existentialism #christinedepizan #bertrandrussell #zolanealehurston #voltaire
Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc, l. c. 1412-1431 CE) was a medieval peasant who, claiming to receive visions from God, turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War in favor of a French victory. She was famously martyrd for standing by her claim of divine inspiration and later canonized as a saint. #ChristinedePizan #HenryVIofEngland #HundredYears'War
#hundredyears #henryviofengland #christinedepizan
Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc, l. c. 1412-1431 CE) was a medieval peasant who, claiming to receive visions from God, turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War in favor of a French victory. She was famously martyrd for standing by her claim of divine inspiration and later canonized as a saint. #ChristinedePizan #HenryVIofEngland #HundredYears'War
#hundredyears #henryviofengland #christinedepizan