I keep forgetting to share my fave version of #SilentNight / #StilleNacht. It is sung in #Navajo and was used in the #ChristmasFilm / #ChristmasMovie “Christmas in the Clouds” (2001), which itself starred a mostly Navajo cast.
Link to #YouTube :
#YouTube #christmasmovie #christmasfilm #navajo #stillenacht #silentnight
Since I last posted about a #ChristmasFilm, I have been dipping into some, but they were so dire I gave up after a few minutes. “A Gingerbread Christmas” (2022) might have been a good film - settings, plot, look - but these privileged characters are irksomely annoying. I gave up before getting half-way through this decidedly unchristmassy #ChristmasMovie having had my fill of entitlement!
Link is to #MarVista, the film-production company’s website:
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #MarVista
The #ChristmasFilm “Memories of Christmas” (2018) is best described as lacklustre: it creätes a Christmassy ambience; a diverse cast who mostly play well; but it’s very talky. For most of this #ChristmasMovie one can carry on with another activity and not really miss much: defo an on-in-the-background entertainment. Probably would not elect to switch on again.
Link to #imdb :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #IMDB
Finally finished viewing the #ChristmasFilm (UK)/ #ChristmasMovie (US) “A Big Family Christmas”/“Blended Christmas” (2021). Totally innocuous & very predictable entertainment, that somehow managed to make an Hispanic haçienda in a dessert look Christmassy! Some of the acting is not bad, some is… well, bad! Great advertisement for #HummingbirdNestRanch which, were I able to visit California, would be somewhere I should visit.
Link #imdb :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #hummingbirdnestranch #IMDB
“Three Sisters at the Christmas Chateau” k/a “Christmas at the Chateau” in North America, is a strangely European #ChristmasFilm rather than a Hollywood #ChristmasMovie. The plot is fully predictable. The acting is mostly OTT or at best ham, with only the lead actress, #KinseyLeighRedmond, convincing. Despite its many obvious & overt flaws, I cried actual tears three times - what the heck! This film is cr*p, but maybe view it once… ?!?!?
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #kinseyleighredmond
Well, another #ChristmasFilm I defo do NOT need to see again! “Matchmaker Christmas” (2019) has no action, no drama, no Angst, no chemistry, not much of a story - an irony given it is set in fiction-publishing. I did actually like some of the characters in this #ChristmasMovie. But the last twenty minutes or so: relentless mawkishness! And I doubt I have ever seen such a lacklustre #ChristmasParty! Awful ending - oh, is that a #spoiler?
Link to #imdb :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #christmasparty #spoiler #IMDB
I started watching this #ChristmasFilm, “Christmas Ever After” (2020) in 2021 and gave up. Given that leading #disabled characters are like hen’s teeth, I decided to give this #ChristmasMovie a 2nd chance. It did not disappoint. The tale is contrived - as is all fiction tbh. This happy-ever-after story however is pure fantasy and as so one can relax and enjoy the fairytale. I shall view again, but I shall not go searching for this film.
#christmasfilm #disabled #ChristmasMovie
“#ChristmasMovie Magic” is a somewhat unusual #ChristmasFilm. It is stilted & at times didactic. The relentless excessive positivity, good-cheer & smiling are risible. The ending was a pleasant surprise. This is the offspring of arthouse meets Schmalz - it is not a pretty sight. The film is saved, however, my the acting quality of many of the older generation supports. For something seasonal-but-different this may be worth a viewing.
#ChristmasMovie #christmasfilm
I am still ploughing through #My5 ‘s streaming #ChristmasFilm s. By accident I came across a link to “ #MrsMiracle ” (2009). If you havenæ previously seen this #ChristmasMovie, you are in for a treat. The acting from the two romantic leads, namely #ErinKarpluk (also good in “The Christmas Lodge” (2011)) & #JamesVanDerBeek is really good. Whilst this is Angst-light there is still plenty of light drama and cutesiness too from the wee twins. Defo recommended!
#my5 #christmasfilm #mrsmiracle #ChristmasMovie #erinkarpluk #jamesvanderbeek
This #ChristmasFilm “My Christmas #FamilyTree ” (2021), highlights some of the reasons not to trust #DNA tests and the businesses that supply them. The ensemble cast do a great job of acting like real families - sulks, corniness, bad jokes and lots & lots of loving. The romance is very much a subordinate motif. I should watch this #ChristmasMovie again.
Link to #imdb :
#christmasfilm #familytree #dna #ChristmasMovie #IMDB
This #ChristmasFilm was released in 2021 & I’ve already watched it FOUR times. “A Pastry Shop Christmas” (sic) 🇬🇧 k/a “Sweet Navidad” in North America 🇺🇸&🇨🇦 is not your usual #ChristmasMovie fodder. There is a large dollop of Puerto Rican 🇵🇷 culture & gastronomy - and I was salivating throughout! The Spanish uttered by the characters is totally comprehensible to this student of Castilian. I look forwarded to my FIFTH viewing in the 2023/4 season…
Link #imdb :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #IMDB
Over the past few hours I have been viewing yet another #ChristmasFilm. “Christmas with the Darlings” (2020) runs to 84 mins. (excl. ads). I might possibly watch again as this #ChristmasMovie is not bad, but it is relentlessly, unreälistically & cloyingly upbeat!
Link to #imdb :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #IMDB
I started this #ChristmasFilm a year ago and gave up on it due to the saccharine-sweetness of the lead. However, in “Journey Back to Christmas” (2016) there is plenty of scepticism & negativity to balance out the froth. This is a #ChristmasMovie including the element of #TimeTravel or miracles, depending how one wishes to view the matter. #OliverHudson plays a sympathetic cop - an oxymoron surely - but pleases the eye and also the soul with his kindness.
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #TimeTravel #oliverhudson
I shall definitely watch this #ChristmasFilm on another occasion. I shall even look out for this one! “A Christmas Waltz” aka “Christmas Waltz” (2020) stars #LaceyChabert, a #Hallmark veteran; but she is outshone by the dancing talents of THE #WillKemp, the male lead and herein a dance-instructor, and the youngster J. T. Church. If one does not like dance-routines, this #ChristmasMovie is not for you. Otherwise, sit back & enjoy!
Link to #imdb :
#christmasfilm #laceychabert #hallmark #willkemp #ChristmasMovie #IMDB
@SallyKent wow, so organised! Firstly there are twelve days to Christmas and it ends with the arrival of the Magi on 6th January - so you could permit yourself a few extra days of #ChristmasMovies.? The UK dedicated #ChristmasFilm channel starts in Sept and ends around Epiphany. With #ChronicIllness I ws too ill to watch in the run-up to the festivities, so am catching up via streaming, at my own pace, usually viewed in multiple segments - I have cognitive & visual difficulties. 🎄🎅🏻❄️
#ChristmasMovies #christmasfilm #chronicillness
Damp outside, so naturally my arthritides are playing up and thus no sleep. So I watched another #ChristmasFilm in about eight segments, so as not to overtax my little grey-cells - not that this #ChristmasMovie could do so! “A Cozy Christmas Inn” (2022) is a sort of sequel to “Christmas Under Wraps” (2014), also set in Alaska. The lead couple have good chemistry. A perfectly relaxing & stress-free entertainment. I did actually enjoy this one.
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie
This #ChristmasFilm, “Christmas Wonderland” (2018), is definitely one to play in the background, as we speed through seven days in a snowy, rural town. This #ChristmasMovie is good on the eye, but will not tax your brain… at all! This was my fourth viewing and if it appears I shall watch again; but I should not go looking for it. 😉
Link to #imbd :
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #imbd
Over the period of three hours I viewed an 84-min. #ChristmasFilm entitled “A Kiss For Christmas” (2019 per end-credit, 2020 per Google) &/or “Inn Love By Christmas” &/or “Inn By Christmas” (both 2020). This had a fair few laughs - I do have an odd sense-of-humour mind! There are alas several moments of longeur. No angsty drama though, which is a good from my #anxiety-ridden perspective.
Worth a viewing; but donæ expect too much! 😉
Viewed the #ChristmasFilm “A Country Christmas Harmony” (2022) - slated by viewers. Probably imo the best #ChristmasMovie of the 2022/3 season! The lead female is overweight so breaks the conventional cadaverous actress mould (TTM!). The male lead is tall & lanky, poorly presented but with coruscating orbs. There’s also two long-term partnered gays. Taking into account the genre, this has to be one of the more naturalistic offerings.
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie
Tried to watch the #ChristmasFilm “Christmas Unwrapped” (2020), but had to give in. Cliché’d tropes, wooden acting (with a couple of exceptions), lack of chemistry… I could almost have believed the ‘NSB’ was a cult. After three-quarters-of-an-hour I had to give up on this fairly poor #ChristmasMovie. View at own risk!
Link to #imbd:
#christmasfilm #ChristmasMovie #imbd