Have stored 6 #christmaspresents for next time. Just have to mix up the #giftbags.
Gretchen enjoying her #christmaspresents #catsofmastodon #cats #catstodon
#christmaspresents #catsofmastodon #cats #catstodon
My husband knows me so well. #Christmaspresents #scotch #linkwood
#linkwood #scotch #christmaspresents
My heart is full ♥️ #schoolmates #christmaspresents
#schoolmates #christmaspresents
Although all the items we distribute at the Hope Project are important. Our favorite is always giving toys to the kids.
This week with the help of Moria White Helmets we were able to give a bag of toys to all the kids in the camp for Christmas.
These bags of toys are incredible, not just because the kids are so happy to have them. The bags are packed by children in Austria for children in Lesvos.
It's such a beautiful thing that brings so much joy and also teaches kids to care.
This week we received 7 pallets, and 850 bags of toys!
We will continue to distribute through the next months to every child that visits the Hope Project and be able to make a special camp distribution again for Eid.
We would like to give a special thanks to Vorarlberger Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen and Nina Rainalter for their amazing hard work and support.
Amazing work! Thank you so much for sending so much love to the children of the camp, because of you they do not feel forgotten.
#eid #christmas #moriawhitehelmets #refugees #refugee #thehopeproject #kidstoys #childrenspresents #toys #presents #hope #hopeproject #childrenstoys #kidspresents #moria #moria2 #refugeetoys #refugeepresents #eidtoys #christmaspresents
#eid #christmas #MoriaWhiteHelmets #refugees #refugee #thehopeproject #kidstoys #childrenspresents #toys #presents #hope #hopeproject #childrenstoys #kidspresents #moria #Moria2 #refugeetoys #refugeepresents #eidtoys #christmaspresents
Spending my remaining Christmas present money on a couple of roll and write games. There is an iOS app version of the first, but I want the map drawing and colouring in tactile experience!
#RollAndWrite #BoardGames #Games #Cartographers #RustlingLeaves #ChristmasPresents
#christmaspresents #rustlingleaves #cartographers #games #boardgames #rollandwrite
Merry xmas, I don't wanna fight tonite 🎶🎶
This was one of the #ChristmasPresents I recieved, and I love it
#christmaspresents #tshirt #theramones #joeyramone #deedeeramone #johnnyramone #tommyramone #christmaspunk
Call me a rebel, but I didn’t buy a single Christmas present for anyone this year. I just spent time with friends and family. Felt very refreshing, like a load off my shoulders. Am I a bad person? #Christmas #Xmas #ChristmasPresents #ChristmasGifts
#christmas #xmas #christmaspresents #christmasgifts
Auch dieses Jahr wieder die besten Geschenke unter dem Baum gehabt. Wart ihr auch brav? 😁🎄
#Weihnachten2022 #christmas2022 #christmaspresents #geschenke #nopemovie #tmnt
#weihnachten2022 #christmas2022 #christmaspresents #geschenke #NopeMovie #tmnt
For those who spend Christmas away from home, Christmas presents should conform to a certain size. Your host gives you a large engraving; somebody else turns up with a large brass candlestick. It is all very gratifying, but you have got to get back to London somehow.
A A Milne
Photo: Nathan Lemon
Here’s Tika posing with the cats’ Christmas presents, a catnip mouse and a catnip infused fish that wriggles. Both cats went wild for the fish last night as well as the box the fish came in.
#christmaspresents #CatsOfMastodon #Christmas
I'm not suggesting you can get too many books for Christmas but I am suggesting that I got quite a few.
#booksadon #gloriousexcess #books #christmaspresents
Every year I get a new wall calendar and this is just right. I miss Paris already. 🇨🇵🗼
Ever since I went there, a ongoing joke between me, my family and my colleagues is they call me Emily in Paris. I don't even watch that show but still.
#christmaspresents #paris #wallcalendars #memories
#christmaspresents #paris #wallcalendars #memories
I went to Paris a few months back so a little something to commemorate it. I wanted to go there since I was little and it was my first trip to Europe. #christmaspresents #paris #pandora
#christmaspresents #paris #pandora
A bottle of spiced rum, a book, hedgehog-shaped ginger biscuits and membership to the National Trust.
My son knows me so well.
Oh my gosh HE READ MY MIND
All of this is stuff I’ve wanted for ages #christmaspresents #kitchengoods #amIoldnow
#christmaspresents #kitchengoods #amioldnow
You obviously have people who love you. And understand you. And having both is rare.