Did you get this one? To put it into context Santa's sleigh would have to be over 350 000 tonnes when loaded with all the presents. That's a lot of reindeer!
#christmas #christmasquiz #santa #Sleigh #presents #quiz
@MrEFinch 😂 that’s hilarious, we got that right and then it was wrong too! We had 3 generations of self professed nerd and I reckon someone got about half right, mum got the tram one right which she was very pleased about #ChristmasQuiz
🔴 The Daily Heller: An Xmas Quiz. First, an Easy One
By Steven Heller @thedailyheller at @printmag
#ChristmasQuiz #Santa
The true Christmas Miracle is that I got 21 right:
"You got: 21/60
Could do better. You probably think that Christmas is about friends and family and human warmth. Well it isn’t! It’s about films and music. Do better!"
(I only knew three answers - and I got one of those wrong...)
#badatchristmas #christmasmiracle #christmasquiz #Christmas
It's End of Year Quiz season - and you need never run out if you delve back into the archives.
I'll be tackling this great quiz from 1949 published in the Southern Cross. I don't know most of the answers, but that is very normal for me and quizzes.
#newspaperarchives #trove #christmasquiz
Try this lexical quiz. (Reader: I didn't do very well....).
#ChristmasQuiz #Lexicon
The correct answer to last night's tie breaker in the Animal Concern #ChristmasQuiz - where were the McAllister's going for their #Christmas holiday when they 'forgot' Kevin - was Paris, France!
Last question of the day from our #ChristmasQuiz. This was the tie breaker question! In #HomeAlone, where were the McAllister's going for their #Christmas holiday when the 'forgot' Kevin? Send us your answers! ^GC
#christmas #homealone #christmasquiz
Another question from last night's Animal Concern staff #ChristmasQuiz 'In #LoveActually where does Martine McCutcheon's (@martineofficial@twitter.com) character, Natalie, live (specifically)? Post your answers! ^GC
I’m organising the Christmas Clinical Governance & Audit meeting. Yes, I know I’m a fool for volunteering. However my question is this… Is a Christmas Quiz Mandatory? & If so anyone got any good questions? #christmas #ChristmasQuiz #ManagingExpectations #Quiz #Help #Expectations
#christmas #christmasquiz #managingexpectations #quiz #help #expectations