Snapped a picture of this festive window display in Otley the other year and it's haunted me ever since...
#BadSanta #ScarySanta #Sausage #wrongness #PaperDecorations #AdventHorror #Cursed #ChristmasWindows #Otley #Leeds
#badsanta #scarysanta #sausage #wrongness #paperdecorations #adventhorror #cursed #christmaswindows #otley #leeds
Snapped a picture of this festive window display in Otley the other year and it's haunted me ever since...
#BadSanta #ScarySanta #Sausage #wrongness #PaperDecorations #ChristmasWindows #Otley #Leeds
#badsanta #scarysanta #sausage #wrongness #paperdecorations #christmaswindows #otley #leeds
Snapped a picture of this festive window display in Otley the other year and it's haunted me ever since...
#BadSanta #ScarySanta #Sausage #wrongness #PaperDecorations #ChristmasWindows #Otley #Leeds
#badsanta #scarysanta #sausage #wrongness #paperdecorations #christmaswindows #otley #leeds
We held a little cheese and booze party for our neighbours in our tiny flat and everyone got on famously. About halfway through the snow turned up too and I took this photo from our window. There are some moments that money can’t buy. #Christmas22 #ChristmasWindows #snow #Sussex #England
#england #sussex #Snow #christmaswindows #christmas22
We held a little cheese and booze party for our neighbours in our tiny flat and everyone got on famously. About halfway through the snow turned up too and I took this photo from our window. There are some moments that money can’t buy. #Christmas22 #ChristmasWindows #snow #Sussex #England
#england #sussex #Snow #christmaswindows #christmas22
Last year’s 12 days of Christmas window. Cut out of black card with a craft knife and backed with tissue paper. It’s my relaxation time in the run up to Christmas! Very little else gets done until the last minute 😬