November's spawned a monster! The second of this week's #GoldenHour double header has dropped. #223 trawls the musical otherworld for a mindbending mix of #psych, #dub, #folk, #outrock, #noise & #electronic experimentation.
Featuring #music from:
#GoldenHour #psych #dub #folk #outrock #noise #electronic #music #tontosexpandingheadband #jamesholden #christophdebabalon #mallevoss #hitech #patriciawolf #principaledwardsmagictheatre #angelinemorrison #jkflesh #agitationfree #shoveldancecollective #eckobazz #kevinrichardmartin #bigbrave
Sleepless Nights? I'm starting new show-A Drone's Life- at 1am Thursday's, this week I'm reairing my Secret Bonus Level show from 9/29 on wrir-lp 97.3fm Richmond Independent Radio or stream at starting w/ #ChristophDeBabalon @nmeshofficial #HuntingLodge #Swans #Bedwetter #TimHecker #PlanningForBurial #WRIR973 #RVA #ambient #radio
#christophdebabalon #huntinglodge #swans #bedwetter #timhecker #planningforburial #wrir973 #rva #ambient #radio