#TIL that #ChristopherFowler's fictional detectives Arthur Bryant and John May are named for a 19th century match company based in Bow, London.
This North American imagined one of the detectived was named for a legendary barbecue joint in Kansas City, Missouri.
Anyone else feel sad when you finish a book series, at least what you can find of a book series? #BrientAndMay #ChristopherFowler Bard had a number of these but I think maybe not all of them. The narrator is epic. #NoSpoilers you will cry at the end of the most recent book posted to Bard, London Bridge is falling down.
#brientandmay #christopherfowler #nospoilers
Finished reading Christopher Fowler’s short fiction collection London’s Glory last week. Lots of short Bryant & May tales. Sort of doesn’t do it for me really, the shorter format, as it rarely seems to give me a satisfying feeling of going along with the investigation. As a result, I’ve bought the next four full-length novels in the series to get lined up.
#amreading #londonsglory #bryantandmay #christopherfowler
I’m really sad about the passing of #ChristopherFowler but glad that I told him more than once how much I enjoyed his books. Seek out your favorite authors while they are still around and let them know they entertained you or changed your mind about something or whatever. It means a lot to them. Also, if you like mysteries that are a bit peculiar and the city of London, the Bryant and May series is stellar. #bookstodon
#christopherfowler #bookstodon
Rest in Peace, Christopher Fowler
I am less than impressed by the Grauniads obituary of Christopher Fowler. To say it overlooks his brilliant horror fiction is a massive understatement. If it wasnt for that Mark Chadbourne quote mentioning Roofworld you"d finish the article thinking he only ever wrote crime fic and memoirs. A man with half a dozen terrific horror story collections and three decades of thrilling, insanely readable horror novels.
To summarize: get into ALL his books, i beg you.
All these years later I still have a blog -- & I just posted a brief review of Christopher Fowler's Peculiar London on it.
#ChristopherFowler #PeculiarLondon #London #books #review #BookReview
#christopherfowler #peculiarlondon #london #books #review #bookreview
I drink tea, and I know shit.
I'm quite often asked HOW I know, or know about, so much random and eclectic shit.
This is how: I bought a book about London by #ChristopherFowler , based on his #BryantandMay novels, which I adore.
Three pages in, and I've already gone down a rabbit hole, which has led me to several Wikipedia pages, and now I'm trying to buy a facsimile of the Auchinleck Manuscript!
#books they are about more than just entertainment.
#history #learning #getdowntherabbithole
#christopherfowler #bryantandmay #books #history #learning #getdowntherabbithole
Some #book and #reading hashtags I'm interested in, broken up by subject - Pt. 1 - historical fiction / crime fiction:
#JulianStockwin #MorganLlywelyn #PeterTremayne #JackWhyte #NigelTranter #BernardCornwell #MaryStewart #HilaryMantel #JohnBiggins
#AdrianMcKinty #AlanParks #LiamMcIlvanney #IanRankin #Rebus #QuintinJardine #Skinner #ChristopherFowler #Bryant&May #CaimhMcDonnell #BunnyMcGarry #ColinDexter #Morse #DorothyLSayers #LordPeterWhimsey #JillPatonWalsh
#book #reading #julianstockwin #morganllywelyn #petertremayne #jackwhyte #nigeltranter #bernardcornwell #marystewart #hilarymantel #johnbiggins #adrianmckinty #alanparks #liammcilvanney #ianrankin #rebus #quintinjardine #skinner #christopherfowler #bryant #caimhmcdonnell #bunnymcgarry #colindexter #morse #dorothylsayers #lordpeterwhimsey #jillpatonwalsh
#Sevenfavouriteauthors ? Well that depends on what mood I'm in, but here's a selection that'll do for today.
#IainBanks #IainMBanks (as one)
#ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin (as one)
The next seven?
#SevenFavouriteAuthors #IainBanks #iainmbanks #christopherpriest #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin #michaelmoorcock #SusannaClarke #hopemirrlees #christopherfowler #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs