A 1986 Debate of #Socialism Vs. #Capitalism, with a young #ChristopherHitchens fully advocating for Socialism
#socialism #capitalism #christopherhitchens
#ChristopherHitchens's #TenCommandments
#Hitchens #deconstructs the ten #commandments and adds a few of his own.
#deconstructionism #atheist #religion #christian #judaism #hitchslap #sundayschool #OT #bible #moses
#christopherhitchens #tencommandments #hitchens #deconstructs #commandments #deconstructionism #atheist #religion #christian #judaism #hitchslap #sundayschool #ot #bible #moses
God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens - Audio Book - P1
#ChristopherHitchens #AudioBook #atheism #atheist #Antitheism
#Antitheism #atheist #atheism #audiobook #christopherhitchens
Das letzte Interview mit Christopher Hitchens https://wp.me/p36Ae-ZFu ...Zu meiner großen Freude fand ich sie auf einer alten Festplatte. Anstatt es zu bearbeiten, beschloss ich, sie komplett zu veröffentlichen. #ChristopherHitchens #letztesInterview
#letztesinterview #christopherhitchens
#DanWootton reminds me of this gem from #ChristopherHitchens...
"Whenever I hear some bigmouth in Washington or the Christian heartland banging on about the evils of sodomy or whatever, I mentally enter his name in my notebook and contentedly set my watch. Sooner rather than later, he will be discovered down on his weary and well-worn old knees in some dreary motel or latrine, with an expired Visa card, having tried to pay well over the odds to be peed upon by some Apache transvestite."
#danwootton #christopherhitchens
Hitchens explains #Islam and why it is so STUPID.
#ChristopherHitchens #IslamReligionOfHate #atheism #atheist #Antitheism
#Antitheism #atheist #atheism #islamreligionofhate #christopherhitchens #islam
A List of Apologies from the #Catholic Church - Christopher Hitchens
#Antitheism #atheist #atheism #christopherhitchens #catholic
Christopher Hitchens' Sharpest Arguments Against Organized #Religion
#Antitheism #atheist #atheism #christopherhitchens #religion
As a #MartinAmis fan, I enjoyed last week's tribute repeat episode of ABC Radio National's #LateNightLive from 2020, with #PhillipAdams in conversation with the recently departed English author about the last book he wrote, Inside Story, on the death of his closest friend, #ChristopherHitchens.
Phillip and Martin also explore other questions on how to live, grieve and die. And my favourite part of their conversation is a philosophical discussion about 36 minutes into the episode, where Phillip admits to Martin that he shares the English poet and author Philip Larkin's fear of "being dead" rather than "dying" itself. That is, "the notion of billions of years of nothingness". To which Martin responds, "Did you mind all those millenia when you were yet to born?"
Please note: Phillip issues a "health warning" that the episode contains some "adult themes" and "if that's not you cup of tea, perhaps switch off". Or, in our case, scroll on.
#writers #books #philosophy #life #death
Link to episode on #ABCAustralia website: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/late-night-live-martin-amis/102356210
#martinamis #latenightlive #phillipadams #christopherhitchens #writers #books #philosophy #life #death #abcaustralia
#ChristopherHitchens gives a *short* summary of apologies and requests for forgiveness that every mature person who defends the Catholic church must ask for - according to Pope John Paul II and his spokesperson Bishop Piero Marini 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRoMn9jb/
The cure for #poverty is now known, and it has a name; #EmpowermentOfWomen.
But is has obstacles, laid out here by #ChristopherHitchens 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTREpAJ6p/
#Afghanistan continues to be a lesson for the world, of what NOT to do! 🙏
#poverty #empowermentofwomen #christopherhitchens #afghanistan
#ChristopherHitchens offers no quarter to “normal people” who also happen to be in a religious cult. 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRERT7WG/
#SaveAmerica from cults!
#christopherhitchens #saveamerica
The Offended Olympics: A Dive into the World of Perpetual Offense: https://abeautifulmess.substack.com/p/the-offended-olympics-a-dive-into
#ChristopherHitchens #OffendedOlympics #UnderstandingOverOffense #Empathy #ConstructiveDialogue #SocialMediaEtiquette #MindfulEngagement #ABeautifulMess
#abeautifulmess #mindfulengagement #socialmediaetiquette #constructivedialogue #empathy #understandingoveroffense #offendedolympics #christopherhitchens
#christopherHitchens: Rediscovering Fearless #Liberalism in an Age of Counter-#Enlightenment
#skeptic #atheism #politics #religion #michaelShermer
#christopherhitchens #liberalism #enlightenment #skeptic #atheism #politics #religion #michaelshermer
"The New Testament is itself a highly dubious source."
middle sentence of "God is not great" by #ChristopherHitchens on #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #christopherhitchens
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
-- Christopher Hitchens ( Hitchen's Razor)
#evidence #christopherhitchens #quotes #panopainting #bot
Remembering Christopher Hitchens, born 13 April 1949. An amazing thinker and communicator, he died in 2011 and the world is intellectually poorer since.
#hitchens #ChristopherHitchens #atheist #tdih #history
#hitchens #christopherhitchens #atheist #tdih #history
@lowqualityfacts #Prayer is the socially accepted form of doing nothing. #ChristopherHitchens #ReligionPoisonsEverything
#prayer #christopherhitchens #ReligionPoisonsEverything
In strict constitutional terms, this ought not to matter much. The English monarchy, as has been said, reigns but does not rule. From the aesthetic point of view it will matter a bit, because the prospect of a morose bat-eared and chinless man, prematurely aged, and with the most abysmal taste in royal consorts, is a distinctly lowering one.” #ChristopherHitchens #royalfamily #KingCharles #horseConsort
#christopherhitchens #royalfamily #KingCharles #horseconsort